Need help with a pornography problem? Find it here:
Pornography is a dark epidemic in our world today, even within many of our churches. But through God's grace, men and women are experiencing the bright light of freedom. Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley share part of their story and...
A pornography addiction usually starts with something small, like seeing an online ad or hearing a song with explicit lyrics on the radio. Erin and Greg give some practical ways for protecting your heart from sexual content i...
Need help with a pornography problem? Find it here:
Confessing a pornography problem may have shattered your spouse's heart, but your marriage doesn't have to end there. Greg and Erin give tips for walking through the process of healing with your spouse; Jamie Ivey shares her ...
As your marriage is healing from a pornography problem, rebuilding trust with your spouse will take time. Greg and Erin explain the importance of allowing your spouse time to heal; and Nick and Michelle Stumbo share their sto...
God's gift of sex creates a special bond between you and your spouse. Greg and Erin talk about the blessing physical intimacy can be for a marriage; Linda Dillow and Dr. Juli Slattery explain how wives can approach sex in a h...