Babylon Bee's Seth Dillon on Engaging the Culture with Humor

Engaging the Culture with Humor. This conversation will better equip Christians to engage the culture without compromise while using humor as a tool to challenge bad ideas. We'll hear from Seth Dillon, the CEO of the Babylon Bee, about the success of his company and how he's maintained the respect of others with winsomeness and ingenuity in a culture that appears to be losing some of its sense of humor.
Read more from Jim Daly on if Jesus had a sense of humor.
Read more about using social media well and changing minds with grace.
Babylon Bee Article: Leftists On Twitter Report Disturbing Rise In People They Hate Having Speech

Seth Dillon
Seth Dillon is the CEO of The Babylon Bee, the world's most trusted, factually accurate news source. Taking on the tone of a traditional news media publication, the Bee satirizes real-world events and public figures.
His experience with censorship and deplatforming has placed him on the front lines of the battle for free speech in the public square. He speaks across the country about the effectiveness of humor, the moral imperative of mockery, and the dangers of censorship.