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April 22, 2024

Being Christlike in LGBT Cancel Culture

Being Christlike in LGBT Cancel Culture

Before God fully captured his heart, Joe Dallas identified as a homosexual and tried to integrate his sexuality with his Christian beliefs, actively promoting a pro-gay theology. But God brought Joe through a process of repentance and restoration. Dallas addresses major controversies in today’s cancel culture, helping believers have respectful discussions and share Christ’s love and truth with others who don’t share our faith.


Buy your copy of Jim Daly’s book, ReFOCUS! He shares how believers can engage others in the culture with the love of Christ and reveal the heart of God.


Make a donation of any amount to get Christians in a Cancel Culture, the book by Joe Dallas. He shares more about speaking the truth to others with grace in a cancel culture.


Ryan Bomberger takes the reader on a journey through some of his most powerful published articles and visually creative memes about the fundamental Right to Life, abortion, adoption, fatherlessness, fake feminism, #BlackLivesMatter, civil rights, and religious liberty.




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