
March 19, 2025

Ways Your Child Learns Well

Were you a good student in school, or was the classroom a struggle for you? John and Danny open up about if they were responsible with their homework or not growing up. Also, Jim Daly and Cynthia Tobias explain how some kids ...
March 17, 2025

What Kind of Learner is Your Child?

How does your child learn things? Danny and John open up about their own learning styles. Then, Jim Daly talks with Cynthia Tobias about analytical vs. global thinkers, and how to discern which one your child might be. Find u...
March 12, 2025

Praying for Their Dating Lives and Their Well-Being

Dating and your teen's well-being are two of the greatest areas of potential concern most parents have for their kids. Jodie Berndt shares some helpful perspectives with Jim Daly about how to pray for your teenager in those a...
March 10, 2025

Praying Over Your Teen’s Insecurities

How do you pray for your teen when he or she feels insecure? Danny and John address how they've tried to do that when their kids were in the teen years. Plus, Jim Daly asks Jodie Berndt how she battled insecurities in her own...
March 5, 2025

When a Single Mom Comes to Church

How can your church be a safe place for single moms? Danny and John offer some thoughts to that very important question. Also, PeggySue Wells talks to Jim Daly about how it was difficult to attend church after her divorce. Fi...
March 4, 2025

Joy and Laughter for Single-Parents

How does a single mom find joy even when the world feels chaotic? Jim Daly asks PeggySue Wells on how she learned to laugh again after becoming a single mother. Plus, Pam Farrel describes how she learned to move forward after...
Feb. 27, 2025

Inspiring Them, Not Forcing Them

How do you encourage your kids when they seem distant or uninterested in persevering? Kari Kampakis joins Jim Daly to talk about a time she encouraged her daughter to stay with a particular activity. Then, Danny and John will...
Feb. 25, 2025

Negative Messages Teen Girls Face

The world is constantly throwing lies at your teen girls, but you can help them overcome. Jim Daly and Kari Kampakis address some of the mixed messages teenage girls are hearing today. Also, John and Danny share how to have o...
Feb. 20, 2025

Learning That Works for Your Kids

Our current education system has some good qualities to it, but for a lot of kids, it doesn't fit with their learning style. John asks Danny about how his two children learn in very different ways. Plus, Jim Daly asks Cynthia...
Feb. 18, 2025

Today’s Challenges in the Public School System

Kids today are hearing so many mixed messages on what's actually true in their classrooms. Jim Daly and Cynthia Tobias address the sobering realities of school propaganda children are being taught today. Then, if your child t...
Feb. 13, 2025

Giving Up Control of Your Teen

How has it felt as you've learned to let go and allow your teenager to make their own choices? John asks Danny that very question. Also, Jim Daly and Jodie Berndt will encourage you to pray and work through challenges with yo...
Feb. 11, 2025

Sorting Through Conflict with Your Teen

Conflict is one of the more challenging aspects of raising teenagers. Jodie Berndt and Jim Daly bring up how you can deal with conflict well when tensions are high with your teen. Plus, Danny and John share about the need for...
Feb. 6, 2025

Don’t Stuff Your Emotions!

For single mothers, the feelings of betrayal and sadness can run very deep. Danny and John discuss common emotions single mothers deal with. Then, Jim Daly speaks to Pam Farrel and PeggySue Wells about why it's important for ...
Feb. 4, 2025

Seeing the Single Moms in Your Community

Everyone you encounter has a story, and we want to encourage you to see the single moms around you. Jim Daly speaks with PeggySue Wells, who shares her story of becoming a single mom, and how hard it was. Then, John and Danny...
Jan. 30, 2025

Learning from the Struggle

Opposition in your child's life is the perfect chance for them to grow. Danny and John bring up ways they've seen their kids step up and overcome obstacles. Then, Jim Daly asks Lucille Williams how she's seen her kids go from...
Jan. 28, 2025

“Do Mom and Dad Believe in Me?”

How often do you tell your child, "I believe in you?" Danny shares with John about a time he encouraged one of his kids, who felt discouraged. Also, Lucille Williams and Jim Daly discuss the need to encourage your child to no...
Jan. 23, 2025

Dangerous Material in the School Classroom

Kids today are being taught many unbiblical things in schools. To provide some insights on this tricky subject, Jim Daly speaks with Cynthia Tobias on the dangers of indoctrination in schools today. Also, Danny and John offer...
Jan. 21, 2025

Don’t Spend All Your Time on a Screen

So many voices online are competing for our kids' attention. To illustrate that point, John and Danny share about times their kids heard views on the internet they didn't agree with. Plus, Jim Daly and David Murrow bring up w...
Jan. 16, 2025

Still Waiting for an Answered Prayer

If we're honest, many of us are praying for something, and we're still waiting on the result. Jodie Berndt talks with Jim Daly about how she learned to trust God, while praying for her kids as teenagers. You'll also hear Dann...
Jan. 14, 2025

Praying Fervently for Your Teenager

Teens today are struggling! If you're parenting a teen, you know what a roller coaster that journey can be like. Danny and John share examples of challenges teends are dealing with. Then, Jim Daly and Jodie Berndt discuss the...
Jan. 9, 2025

Trauma That Occurs in Many Single Parent Homes

Raising kids by yourself isn't easy. To help encourage single parents in your community, John and Danny address some of the challenges single moms and dads face. Also, Jim Daly speaks with PeggySue Wells and Pam Farrel on som...
Jan. 7, 2025

Real Hope for Single Moms

Being a single parent is a difficult job. But, there is hope in that journey. Jim Daly speaks with Pam Farrel, who was raised by a single mom, and PeggySue Wells, who raised seven kids by herself. Then, John Fuller and Dr. Da...
Jan. 2, 2025

“My Kid Has Hit a Roadblock! Now What?”

On the journey to maturity, it's inevitable your child will face a roadblock or two. Lucille Williams shares an encouraging story with Jim Daly about how her son Tim learned toughness through things he overcame. At the end, J...
Dec. 31, 2024

Struggles Make Them Stronger

Many of us want to protect our kids. Yet, if we don't allow them to struggle sometimes, they'll never grow. Jim Daly and Lucille Williams discuss lessons they've learned about why we should not overprotect our children. Danny...