It's not easy to talk to your daughter about sex. But, if you don't have those types of conversations, she'll get her input of what's right and wrong from other inf…
A healthy father will do anything to keep his daughter safe. But what does that look like as she gets older? John and Danny discuss how fathers can protect their da…
Many girls go through what's typically coined as a "boy crazy" stage. How do you help her work through that season? John and Danny address how this is common for gi…
If you have a daughter, you know she craves for connection with friends. But what can you do if she starts getting rejected by her peers? Jim Daly and Dannah Gresh …
When you have a daughter you have a unique opportunity to show her what a special person she is. John and Danny share how to make your daughter feel accepted, even …
As you're raising a daughter, it's very important to speak encouragement into her life. John and Danny will provide some practical ideas for helping your daughter f…
The needs that a daughter has versus a son are incredibly different. One of the worst things that can happen for your girl is for her to feel like she hasn't been h…
If you have a daughter, you know that she craves connection. Jim Daly and author Dannah Gresh address why God designed girls for relationships. Plus, Danny and John…
In TV and movies dads are often portrayed as kind of dopey or clown-ish. But dads are called to be leaders in their households. John and Danny emphasize how dads ca…
Father-daughter relationships can be very different than father-son relationships. Danny and John chat about how fathers can be protective of their daughters and ma…
Father-daughter relationships can be very different than father-son relationships. Danny and John chat about how fathers can be protective of their daughters and ma…
Father-daughter relationships can be very different than father-son relationships. Danny and John chat about how fathers can be protective of their daughters and ma…
Sometimes parents want to take every opportunity to teach and lecture their kids, but as John and Danny discuss, that's not always the best approach. One-on-one tim…
Sometimes parents want to take every opportunity to teach and lecture their kids, but as John and Danny discuss, that's not always the best approach. One-on-one tim…
One of the greatest blessings as a parent with a daughter is to pray for her. But a big question is, "How do I pray?" John and Danny offer some practical ways to pr…
Women often talk about "marrying their father." It may sound strange, but John and Danny explain how common it is for women to marry a man with many of the same qua…
Women often talk about "marrying their father." It may sound strange, but John and Danny explain how common it is for women to marry a man with many of the same qua…
Our daughters are constantly fed lies from the culture on what it means to be strong. But even with so many mixed messages, you can model a better way for her. John…
Watching your son or daughter make choices on their own can be exciting, but also nerve-wracking. But what do you do when he or she is determined to do things witho…
When your son or daughter faces something challenging, one of the greatest blessings you can give him or her is reassurance. Danny shares with John about the diffe…
Raising a child with special needs affects everyone close to that son or daughter. John Fuller shares with Danny about his own journey of raising a son with autism.…
Your child longs to be affirmed. The truth is, a little bit of encouragement can go a long way in helping your son or daughter. John talks with Danny about how he's…
Raising a child takes an extraordinary amount of time and commitment. At some point, you'll have to give up something in order to spend time with your son or daught…
Sometimes, what your son or daughter needs is a hug from you. John and Danny discuss the benefits of hugging your child and offer tips for how to respond when he or…
At some point, your son or daughter will face discouragement. Those moments can also be a terrific opportunity to encourage your son or daughter. John and Danny sha…
Every child has a unique, God-given personality. But what do you do when your son or daughter is always determined to get his or her way? John and Danny give some h…
Helping a son or daughter get through the teen years isn't just one conversation. It's more like a series of discussions. Danny and John will encourage you to creat…
When difficult circumstances come up, you can choose to respond well or not. Julie Hornok shares with Jim Daly about how she learned to respond well after her daugh…
If you have adult children, you know how raising mature kids isn't a one-size fits all formula. John and Danny will encourage you to not rely too much on formulas f…
Have you ever seen your child in pain to the point you started asking God, "why?" Danny and John discuss how they've seen parents wrestle with the the "why God," qu…
It's emotional when your son or daughter leaves home, and you become an empty nester. John and Danny share where they are in that journey; and Gary Thomas and Jim D…
How do you trust God when a child has gone completely off the rails? Danny and John discuss drawing healthy boundaries with a young adult child, and when it's good …
One of the best things you can teach your kids is the value of hard work. To help improve your child's work ethic, John and Danny give a few ideas on projects you …
You want your child to succeed in life. But what do you do when your son or daughter is making poor choices and you cannot bail them out? John and Danny offer hope …
Has your child ever said, "I'm just not good enough?" How do you respond well in those moments when he or she says that? Danny talks with John about how his daughte…
There are moments where your child will encounter disappointment. While those situations can be tough, it's also a wonderful opportunity to train your child to resp…
When a son or daughter struggles to launch well into adulthood, it can be heartbreaking for the parent. John and Danny share common reasons why kids have a hard tim…
What do you do when your child isn't open to hearing the gospel? It might be that God will use a mentor to help bring your son or daughter back to the faith. John a…
With so many competing messages in the culture today, how can your teen retain his or her faith? John and Danny offer hope to parents on how to not be pessimistic a…
Rather than hearing you preach about staying away from what's wrong, your child wants to know that your relationship with God is authentic. John and Danny share how…
As your child enters the teen phase, it will likely be a time where you may need to have difficult conversations about God and faith. Yet, those discussions could b…
If your child has left the faith, it's one of the saddest things you can discover as a parent. However, it doesn't have to be the end of the story. John and Danny d…
If we're honest, we all have some kind of unhealthy pattern in our parenting. But after we notice one, we can start to move forward in a new direction. John and Dan…
While some kids enjoy following rules, you might have a child who loves to break them. To help encourage a rule-breaker child's personality, John and Danny offer so…
The truth is, you can never control your child. But how do you respond when your son or daughter isn't making good decisions? John and Danny share how you can pray …
How do you prepare your child for the teen years? While there's no magic formula, Danny and John will share when it's a good time to start having discussions with y…
One of the most challenging things for a Christian parent is seeing a child make poor choices. If you or someone you're close to is in that situation, Danny and Joh…
If a young adult child is struggling, it's easy to blame yourself or even apologize for their bad choices. John and Danny discuss why some forms of apology are not …
Every parent can attest that many things change once your son or daughter reaches the teen years. John and Danny share from their own experiences, and Jim Daly talk…
Every child is uniquely designed by God with special talents. The key is in recognizing what your son or daughter is good at. John and Danny share how you can engag…
As a parent, it's fun to see your child dream about who he or she wants to become. But what do you do when a child's dream doesn't work out? John and Danny discuss …
As your child becomes a teenager, it's very common for him or her to pull away, which can lead to a lot of tension in the relationship. In this discussion, you'll h…
If you have a child who's far from God, you are not alone. While it can be one of the most heartbreaking things a parent may face, your child's story is not over. J…
How do you guide a child who wants to please everyone? While wanting to be liked is a good thing, trying to make everyone happy is a dangerous path for your son or …
When your teenager is rude to you, it can be easy to lash out. John and Danny discuss why setting boundaries is better than responding in anger to your teen. Featur…
Healthy parenting is possible with God's help. But how do you maintain a good attitude when your child is misbehaving? John and Danny will offer some helpful though…
You want to provide for your kids' needs, but at the end of the day, what your child really wants is quality time with you. John and Danny share how they struggled …
Let's be honest, there are moments when your strong-willed child is difficult to get along with. What do you do in those situations? John and Danny give some ideas …
Raising a strong-willed son or daughter is not easy. Sometimes, getting him or her to comply with your requests can feel like trying to tame a wild beast. John and …
When your child is hurting, it's easy to ask yourself, "do I have the right words to say?" The truth is, just being there for your son or daughter can make a huge d…
During the teen years, girls need their parents' affirmation more than ever. John and Danny discuss how dads can encourage their daughters and help them develop a h…
Sometimes, the best word your kid needs to hear is, "No." John and Danny discuss how to balance saying "No," to certain things with having a loving environment in y…
In a time where our kids are bombarded with lies and entertainment, how can they find their identity in Christ? Janel Breitenstein and Jim Daly speak about a time s…
Every parent can attest that many things change once your son or daughter reaches the teen years. John and Danny share from their own experiences, and Jim Daly talk…
Sharing your faith with a son or daughter is a wonderful privilege. But, what do you do when you try telling your child about Jesus, and he or she doesn't understan…
You may be doing all you can to make your child feel loved, but what do you do when your son or daughter isn't receiving it? John and Danny discuss how to discern w…
Time spent with your son or daughter is a precious gift. John and Danny discuss the love language known as quality time, and provide an insightful perspective on ho…
Reading how Jesus treated people in Scripture is a beautiful opportunity to see His character. To help encourage your child's faith, Danny tells John about one of h…
Praying for your son or daughter's future spouse is one of the best things you can pray for. John and Danny explain some ways they've seen praying for the future sp…
When your son or daughter wants to discuss something difficult going on in the culture, your first reaction might be to shrink back in fear. However, that could be …
Sometimes, one of the best ways to encourage your child's faith is to have open and honest conversations about a present struggle he or she might be facing. John an…
As a parent, how do you respond when your son or daughter does something that catches you off guard? John and Danny discuss the importance of giving yourself grace,…
When your son or daughter is young, he or she tends to look up to you. However, that usually changes when your child becomes a teenager. John and Danny share how ad…
Your child has special gifts and talents. A big key to being a good parent is recognizing and encouraging those abilities in your son or daughter. John and Danny di…
When your son or daughter is young, it's common for him or her to cry a lot. But the tears are typically pointing to something deeper. John and Danny offer some hel…
When your son or daughter is feeling down, where does he or she turn to for help? As a parent, it's good to give your child a safe place to express his or her emoti…
When a child rebels, there's hardly ever a simple answer as to why. John and Danny will speak to parents who are blaming themselves for their children's behavior. P…
Raising a child with special needs is not easy. If you or someone you know is in that situation, John and Danny will offer some encouragement. Plus, Jim Daly and Ju…
How do you stay hopeful when the dreams you had for your child don't happen? John and Danny address why it's good to grieve over your disappointed expectations. Plu…
Even though raising a child who has special needs is hard, there can be plenty of fun moments too. John Fuller talks with Danny about how funny memories can be made…
It's inspiring to see someone who doesn't give up, even when things get tough. As a parent, you want to instill that kind of toughness in your son or daughter. John…
What are your kids passionate about? Danny tells John a story about a passion his daughter developed at a young age. You'll then hear Janel Breitenstein speak to Ji…
How do you respond when your son or daughter has a hard time figuring something out? Danny shares with John about a time one of his kids was struggling with getting…
It's common for some kids to struggle with cleaning. But how important is it for their overall maturity? Jim Daly chats with Brenda Garrison about how one of her da…
Seeing your son or daughter mature is very rewarding. However, if your child isn't where you want them to be, Jim Daly and Dr. Randy Schroeder will encourage you to…
When your young adult child makes a decision that you strongly disagree with, should you speak up or remain silent? John and Danny give some pointers on whether or …
It's rewarding as a parent when your son or daughter makes a good choice. While we cannot control our children's decisions, John and Danny explain how praying for t…
It's frustrating when you've told a son or daughter to do something, but he or she doesn't listen. How can you discipline them in a way that's effective? Jim Daly a…
If your son or daughter is making poor choices, it's easy to fixate on wanting them to change. But in those moments, it takes a lot of humility to examine yourself.…