If your marriage is struggling, the best advice is to stay in the center of the road. Jim Daly explains how to avoid the ditches of passivity and aggression by sticking to the center of the road – assertiveness. Support Fami…
Eleanor Roosevelt. Nelson Mandela. Steve Jobs. Dave Thomas, the founder of Wendy’s. Know what all of these famous people have in common? The answer can change someone’s life. (Original Air Date: 3/30/16) Support Family Minis…
Freedom of speech is under attack. Jim Daly shares why freedom of speech is worth protecting because the freedom you’re protecting is your own. Support Family Ministry: https://store.focusonthefamily.com/singleitem/checkout/…
We’re all running as fast as we can, but escaping busyness entirely isn’t realistic. Jim Daly shares how film director James Cameron’s adventure to the bottom of the Mariana Trench illustrates how to find moments within the …
Some people think it’s our circumstances that determine our emotions. Jim Daly shares why a good life isn’t about what happens to you, but about how you respond to what happens to you. Support family ministry: https://store.…
Any parent can feel frustrated and angry when their child makes poor choices. The question is, what do you do with all that emotion? Jim Daly shares how to control your anger when your kids have you at the end of your rope. …
Would you be willing to forgive someone who ruined your life? Jim Daly explains why forgiveness is like an operation for your soul that releases you to new life. Support family ministry: https://store.focusonthefamily.com/si…
When a company, a marriage, or a family is going through a rough patch, healing and hope depend on truth. Jim Daly explains why honesty is always the best policy, even when the truth is difficult. Support family ministry: ht…
Happy Memorial Day! Do you know what this holiday is all about? Jim Daly shares the history of how our nation has honored the men and women who have given their lives for freedom. (Previous air date: May 25, 2020) Support fa…
The best strategy for success isn’t always digging in your heels and staying the course. Jim Daly explains why it’s wise to be flexible and willing to change when there’s a better way. Support Family Ministry: https://store.…
Effective parenting is all about giving your kids what they need to thrive. And to do that, you have to wear the right parenting hat at the right time. Jim Daly shares tips for raising great kids. (Previous Air Date: 3/3/14)…
Some people don’t believe truth exists. There’s only the interpretation of reality. Jim Daly explains why truth isn’t dependent on opinion. Truth exists because it simply is. Support Family Ministry: https://store.focusonthe…
Do you and your spouse fight “well”? Jim Daly explains how the concept of “fighting well” can help you save your marriage. (Previous Air Date: 2/13/15) Support Family Ministry: https://store.focusonthefamily.com/singleitem/c…
A bad name can hang over you like a dark cloud. Jim Daly explains how to make your name mean something positive by living each day with courage, strength, and faith. Support family ministry: https://store.focusonthefamily.co…
Every marriage has ups and downs. But couples with great marriages work through their disagreements. Jim Daly explains four common relationship problems and how to fix them. Support family ministry: https://store.focusonthef…
Summer is coming. Are you ready for it? Jim Daly encourages parents to create summer memories that will last a lifetime. (Previous air date: May 2, 2019) Support family ministry: https://store.focusonthefamily.com/singleitem…
Little things can have big consequences. Jim Daly shares why small things often turn into big things somewhere down the road. Support family ministry: https://store.focusonthefamily.com/singleitem/checkout/donation/item/pane…
When the job market is tough, dozens of applicants may vie for the same position. Jim Daly explains why the secret to a good interview often lies in your eyes and your ears. (Previous air date: Jan. 28, 2016) Support family …
There are lots of ways to show a child love. Jim Daly explains two of the best and most important – quality time and affection. Support family ministry: https://store.focusonthefamily.com/singleitem/checkout/donation/item/pa…
Studies show that those with a poor self-image are more likely to compare themselves to others. Jim Daly shares how to be happier and more content by escaping the comparison trap. Support family ministry: https://store.focus…
Do you ever think of your family as a business? If not, maybe you should. Jim Daly explains how to positively influence your family by treating your family like customers. (Previous air date: Nov. 7, 2019) Support family min…
Two attitudes define our character – our patience when we have nothing, and our humility when we have everything. Jim Daly shares why no matter how rich, important, or powerful you are, it's wise to remember you're just a ma…
There's a touching story out of Arkansas involving a young woman who lost her father and a father who lost his daughter. Jim Daly shares their unlikely interaction and how it illustrates the power of human connection. (Previ…
Everyone hopes they'll marry a princess or a Prince Charming. Jim Daly explains why a fairy tale-like "happily ever after" is created by persevering together through the ups and downs of day-to-day life. Support family minis…