
June 25, 2019

Kicked to the Curb

Did you hear the one about the parents who went to court to ask a judge to kick their 30-year-old son to the curb? Jim Daly shares how to motivate that unmotivated 20-something ‚Äì or 30-something ‚Äì living in your basement…
June 21, 2019

Authority of Chaos or Peace?

Authority is a powerful influence in a child's life. It can bring chaos into a home, or it can bring peace. Which are you choosing for your home? Jim Daly offers advice and direction.
June 20, 2019

Laugh It Up

For an easy way to boost the quality of your family's relationships, try laughing more often. Jim Daly shares why family life is better when you enrich it with laughter.
June 18, 2019

Law of Replication

Why would a healthy four-year-old suddenly walk with a limp? For one boy, it was the "Law of Replication" at work. Jim Daly describes the importance of modeling the positive behavior and attitudes you want to see in your chi…
June 17, 2019

Growing a Strong Marriage

Author Brian Lowe says he discovered an important secret to marriage in an unexpected place: his garden. Jim Daly shares the story and explains how to give your marriage the nutrients it needs to grow strong and healthy.
June 24, 2018

Finish Well

If life seems to be moving in confusing directions for you, don't lose hope. Jim Daly shares why, with time, life can straighten out again, and you can finish well. Original Air Date 07/22/2011
April 15, 2017

Beside Every Great Man

Jackie Robinson is one of the most important baseball players in history. But he could have never withstood the intense criticism of being the first black man to play in the major leagues if it weren’t for the support of one…