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Jason Jimenez

Jason JimenezProfile Photo

Jason Jimenez is a pastor, Christian apologist and the founder of STAND STRONG Ministries. He is a widely recognized worldview expert who specializes in cultural, philosophical, theological and religious issues, and, as a national speaker, addresses numerous topics including religious freedom, Islam, same-sex marriage and the reliability of the Bible. Jason has authored/co-authored several books including The Raging War of Ideas, Stand Strong America and The Bible’s Answers to 100 of Life’s Biggest Questions. He and his wife, Celia, have four children and reside in North Carolina.

Dec. 4, 2023

Jason Jimenez: Countering Gen Z Cultural Lies and Depression with Biblical Truth

Parents today are in panic mode. Gen Z children are struggling with depression, identity, a lack of stability, and increased cases of abandoned faith. Jason Jimenez will equip you to reach the younger generation and help the…
Guest: Jason Jimenez