Jan. 23, 2025

Beware of Ghosts: Episode 886

Beware of Ghosts: Episode 886

The perils of ghosting, plus a fitness coach’s God-centered approach to health, and should you get married if you’re poor?

Featured musical artist: Aaron Shust

Roundtable: Alternatives to Ghosting

“I’ve been ghosted!” It’s a common complaint among daters, but it happens in friendships and other contexts as well. Whether you’re guilty of ghosting or have been on the receiving end of this annoyingly passive “dump,” we’d all agree there are better, kinder, and healthier ways to end a relationship, say no, and move on. Our guests disclose their own confessions and frustrations around ghosting, and offer alternative solutions for these awkward junctures in relationships.       

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Culture: Putting God in Your Fitness

If your January fitness goals have already been jettisoned, maybe it’s time to take a different approach. Professional fitness coach Kim Dolan Leto thinks one of our biggest diet and exercise mistakes as Christians is not inviting God into the process. But does God care about workouts and weigh-ins? What can Kim possibly be talking about? Far from a shame-based, effort-intensive plan, Kim’s approach to getting healthy is grounded in Scripture and a holistic view of how God designed our bodies to work. If you’re tired of white-knuckling your fitness goals only to fail yet again, this conversation deserves a listen.             

 Fit God’s Way: Your Bible-Based Guide to Food, Fitness, and Wholeness

Kim’s Website

Fit God’s Way

Inbox: Can I Get Married if I’m Poor?

Culture tells us we need to be financially secure before adding marriage to the mix. Is that true, or can you get married even if you’re poor? Counselor Joannie DeBrito weighs in. 

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