Cancelled By Their Kids: Episode 879

Serious strain between parents and adult children, plus why church history matters, and should you do a missions trip when your parents disapprove?
Featured musical artist: Jonathan Cain
Roundtable: “Mom and Dad, We’re Done”
The holidays should be a joyous time of gathering with family and friends, but all too often they are marked by absence, distance and strife. For some, the choice to “cancel” family members — including your own parents — brings confusion, hurt and relational wreckage. Our guests this week are parents with strained or non-existent relationships with their adult children. They share the details behind their unique journeys, their hope for reconciliation, and how they’re choosing to rely on the Lord as they wait.
Culture: Why Care About Church History?
We know about the New Testament apostles. You’ve likely heard of Martin Luther and John Calvin. But for what purpose? Does learning about church history (and a bunch of dead guys) inform and shape our lives today? Historian and blogger Bill Petro joins us to give a crash course, explaining why church history is not only instructive, but also fascinating.
Turning Points: Decisive Moments in the History of Christianity
Inbox: My Parents Dissed My Missions Trip
She wants to go on a missions trip but her parents are opposed out of concern for her safety, among other things. Is going the right or wrong decision? Missionary Wendy Hamon spent years in difficult and dangerous overseas situations; she offers advice.