Female Friendship: Episode 838

Finding fun and inspiration in other women, plus Bailey Hurley on what to look for in a friend, and when you’re frustrated with where life has you.
Featured musical artist: All Sons & Daughters
Roundtable: Finding Quality Female Friends
Ladies, who’s someone from your friend group you can laugh and have fun with? And who inspires and challenges you? The truth is, we need both types of friends. This week, a group of women tells which of their friendships bring out the best in them, how they cultivate them, and why these types of friendships matter.
Culture: Friendship That Goes the Distance
What’s the current state of your friendships? As a friendship coach, Bailey Hurley is passionate about helping people develop healthy relationships. She joins us this week to share strategic filters she applies for choosing friends, how to have realistic expectations of others, and what it looks like to be a giver and not just a taker.
Together Is a Beautiful Place: Finding, Keeping, and Loving Our Friends
Inbox: Should I Be Further Along in Life?
At age 25, our listener isn’t sure what he wants to do for a career. It’s to a point where he’s feeling aimless and frustrated. How can he figure out what kind of job he wants and if it’ll be enough to provide for a family? Counselor Joannie DeBrito weighs in.