Is Purity Dead?: Episode 888

Encouragement when your home life isn’t ideal, plus hope for single parents, and are Christians still committed to God’s standard for sex?
Featured musical artist: David Dunn
Roundtable: Love Where You Live
What’s your current living situation and how do you feel about it? You may live by yourself, with roommates, your parents, or a married couple or family. Whatever the circumstances, each situation has pros and cons. Our panelists have lived in a variety of settings and with different types of people. They discuss lessons they’ve learned along the way as well as tips for staying encouraged and making the most of where God has you right now, even if it’s not ideal.
Culture: The Single Parent Path
Tez Brooks got the news nobody wants when his first wife left him. His divorce was both an emotional low and a spiritual wake-up call. In the years following, he navigated life as a single dad — raising two kids, adjusting to a new normal, embracing church and community in a new way, and healing relational wounds. Now remarried, Tez shares encouragement and strategies for single parents who feel overwhelmed, plus advice for trusting God when your life is turned upside down.
The Single Dad Detour: Directions for Fathering After Divorce
Inbox: What Happened to Sexual Integrity?
Our listener is frustrated that almost none of his friends are obeying God’s Word when it comes to sex. What are the implications, and is it right to care? Counselor Geremy Keeton weighs in.