Nov. 21, 2024

Practical Compassion for the Poor: Episode 877

Practical Compassion for the Poor: Episode 877

Living on purpose while you’re single, plus ways to help the homeless and poor around you, and what’s a Christian’s obligation to evangelize?  

Featured musical artist: Austin Stone Worship

Roundtable: Purpose in Singleness 

You may want to get married, but is there a way to maximize your singleness while you wait? Our guests, all single, share their best strategies for finding community, chasing after growth, meeting people, and serving others in a season of singleness. If you feel your life lacks purpose or has stalled out, you’ll be inspired by their thoughts.  

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Culture: Wise Ways to Help the Homeless

You stop at an intersection and a homeless person is there, holding a sign asking for help. How do you respond? We know the Bible tells us to love and care for the poor among us, but how can we do this with compassion and effectiveness? Travis Williams leads the multi-outreach Springs Rescue Mission, a place of hope for addicts, the mentally ill, homeless and others. Every day he sees these challenges first-hand, and he offers ideas to help Christians move the needle of care in our own communities.       

 Listen, Love, Repeat: Other-Centered Living in a Self-Centered World

The Needy Outside My Window 

Visit Springs Rescue Mission’s Website 

Inbox: Do I Need to Preach on Street Corners?

Is aggressive, public evangelism the call of every believer — even to the point of preaching on street corners? Pastor Mark Bates weighs in. 

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