Rhythms for Newlyweds: Episode 871

Good habits as a newlywed, plus a former White House staffer explains the 1960s’ influence on America, and navigating singleness beyond your 20s.
Featured musical artist: Aaron Shust
Roundtable: Good Marriage Habits
Getting married is a big transition. Life rhythms are interrupted, and some of them change altogether. What you could do as a single — and when — is sometimes no longer an option. With that in mind, what are good habits to establish in the early weeks and months of marriage? Our guests recount their seasons as newlyweds and give ideas for establishing and maintaining rhythms with God, friends and others after you walk the aisle.
The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts
Culture: What the ‘60s Teach Us About Today
The 1960s were a time of extreme political and social change in America. In many ways the changes weren’t good, and today’s citizens are reaping the consequences. How can we learn from the past and have hope for a better future? A proud history and culture nerd, Tim Goeglein has worked in the White House and beyond. He joins us for a thought-provoking conversation on how with God’s help, we can right our nation’s wrongs — one faith-filled citizen at a time.
Inbox: Singleness Beyond Your 20s
She’s neither married nor a parent. On top of wanting those things, she needs encouragement for how to do singleness well, especially now that she’s in her late 20s. Lisa Anderson weighs in.