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June 27, 2024

Women on Modesty: Episode 856

Women on Modesty: Episode 856

Women discuss the implications of modesty, plus more with Dr. Jake Porter on singles and sexuality, and can you save money in a spend-centric culture?

Guests: Georgia Dunham, Megan Linser, Taylor Loftus, Jake Porter, Glenn Lutjens

Featured musical artist: Kerrie Roberts

Roundtable: Men and Women Talk Modesty (Part 2)

Many of us heard about the importance of modesty growing up: “Dress appropriately.” “Don’t cause your friend to stumble.” “What would Jesus do?” But what is modesty, what’s the biblical instruction on it, and is it just about clothes (or a lack of them)? This week we conclude a two-part discussion on the underlying motivations and practical application of modesty. A panel of women shares how modesty is a matter of the heart, what they appreciate from brothers in Christ, and some of the challenges women face in the world of fashion. 

Guests: Georgia Dunham, Megan Linser, Taylor Loftus

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Culture: Singles and Sexuality (Part 2)

What if sexuality is about so much more than having sex and not breaking the rules? What are the unique takeaways for singles in particular? Dr. Jake Porter is a therapist who has researched extensively on sexuality, especially as it manifests apart from marriage and sex. He joins us for a provocative discussion featuring findings from his own background and the state of singleness in the United States today.   

Guest: Jake Porter

Featured resource: Rethinking Sexuality: God's Design and Why It Matters

Visit Jake's Website

Inbox: Saving Money in a Spending Culture

How can you save money when your friends and others are spending at the drop of a hat? Counselor Glenn Lutjens weighs in. 

Guest: Glenn Lutjens

Link to Counseling Services 

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