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Love it!!!!!
Great Podcast you guys. I love it! Thank you so much for all you do. God Bless you!!!!

I am a HUGE AIO fanatic!!! It's my all time favorite thing since sliced bread! I love Connie and Eugene!!!! I have so many CDs Nd tapes of it! Love it sooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!

I'm 13 and not ashamed to say I LOOOOVE A.I.O and u shouldn't be either!

adventures in odyssey rocks!

Thanks guys and gals who made this possible i learned about odyssey from a friend and now for 5 years i've been listening and praising God for your great audio drama. Im 14 almost 15 and a christian homeschooler i love what everyone who makes this possible does . Ive even visited it up there in colorado springs. I hope i can go back some day. Thank u and God Bless You.

Classic, Memorable!
I'm 19 and I've listened to Odyssey ever since I was old enough. The pure nostalgia I get when I go back and listen to the heartfelt episodes is unparalleled. I hope to continue listening to Odyssey for years to come and sharing the incredible experiences I've had through it with my kids. Thank you Focus for the timeless memories and clean, Christian entertainment that has no equal.

AIO is timeless!!!
I am 19 years old. I have been listening to Adventures in Odyssey for 14 years. I still love it! A HUGE thanks to FOF for keeping it going! As long as I'm in my right senses, Whit, Wooton, Connie, Eugene, Harlow, Rodney and the rest of the gang will live inside my radio, (or iPod), teaching me valuable lessons about faith, prayer, responsibility, and most importantly, God.

Never to old for Odyssey
I'm a Christian Homeschooler. This really helped me grasp the joy of imagination and loving others. I'm 14 going on 15 and I still listen to Adventures in Odyssey. I think I have even memorized episodes. For Focus I thank you for 50+ seasons of discovery, imagination, and excitement. But don't just take my word for it, find out for yourself in Adventures in Odyssey!-)

I've been listening to AIO since I was a little kid. I STILL love falling asleep listening to the free episodes. Keep them coming! 

Wicked Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D !!!!!!!!
Hello Bon and Jesse, My name is Majenta ( and yes it is my real name (everyone asks) ) I would just like to tell you that I LOVE LOVE LOVE AIO!!!!! I especially love it when you give free episodes away cause my family can't afford to get albums or to buy them on ITunes! Keep giving away free episodes please! :) Sincerely , Majenta A

Being homeschooled myself, I know how hard it is for kids and teens to relate to public schoolers. I think it would be awesome if you guys made a homeschooling family, even if they were only in one episode. It would really help also for public schoolers to see the other side. There are a lot of false stereotypes about homeschoolers, that can be very hurtful. I think 1 or 2 episodes would be a great encouragement to everyone. Keep up the good work!! :)

Too old?
Ive noticed several people saying how they are " too old" to listen to odyssey. Is there such a thing? I'm 16 and I love odyssey. I plan to listen to odyssey until my final days. Lol. So to all the folks who think they are too old for odyssey, I feel sorry for you. Your missing out on a "great adventure". This podcast is awesome. The guys and gals of FOF Are awesome. Keep up the great work.

I love AIO! 

I love odyssey I'm sixteen and I still listen to it every day!

AIO rocks
I love AIO it is great I listen to it every night and during the day. So keep giving the free episodes away

Adventures in odyssey
Adventures in odyssey rocks! I love it!

Avery awards
When are you guys doing the album 54 Avery awards?

This so awesome and informative!!!!

Live radio
hey guys love aio but was wondering if you could put a live radio provider

I love this podcast you guys have really changed my life. I love the free episodes and behind the scene episodes. Please give out more whole episodes, thanks.

Love it!
I have been hooked since my parents brought me a single tape from their visit to Colorado Springs when I was 8 and I am now married with one kid and still listening!!

All the podcasts
They are the best i have been listening for 20 years and i have a cousin she loves the pod casts she is a wheel chair 18 hours a day

I greatly enjoy the podcast, especially the video ones. Love it!!

The very best!!!!!
Always listen to it. Helped me become a christisien :) live it so much! Love u oddessey

I love AIO!
I love AIO! Thank you for the podcast! Please stop with the negative comments! They're trying to please EVERYONE. Which is hard to do. It makes harder when you guys complain. They do put out some episodes. Theres a great deal of kids who want the behind the scenes podcasts (like me). Thanks again! You guys are awesome at what you do! I'M A HUGE FAN!!!!! BYE!

Great Podcast
Great podcast, I always look forward to another one.

The Best!
I love listening to the AIO podcast to hear great info on AIO and the people who work on it! I am a HUGE AIO fan and I am glad there is a podcast for it do that I am able to keep up to date on AIO news. :D

I love AIO and the official AIO podcast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :O)

Best ever !!!!!
I listen to odyssey almost every night , it's the best !

I loved these!!! :)
I really liked these! Very fun for a vacation or just at home...while scrapbooking, sewing, drawing..or something that you enjoy doing!