
Nov. 12, 2024

Stress Might Not Be What You Think

Have you ever been so stressed out, that you said something to your spouse you regretted? Greg tells Erin and John about a time he got overly stressed, and what he learned from it. Plus, Jim Daly and Pastor Ted Cunningham ad…
Nov. 7, 2024

Don’t Take Your Love Story for Granted

Did you and your spouse experience love at first sight, or were you friends for years before falling in love? Your story matters to God and to each other. Ashley and Dave Willis tell Jim Daly about how they met in college. A…
Nov. 5, 2024

Physical Intimacy and the Need for Grace

When it comes to sex in marriage, it's important to show your spouse grace. Jim Daly talks to David Gudgel about he and his wife worked through a misunderstanding regarding physical intimacy. Also, John and the Smalley's add…
Oct. 31, 2024

‘How Far is Too Far’ Is the Wrong Question

When a couple is dating, it's important to protect your relationship from sexual temptation. Jim Daly talks with Safa and Tovares Grey about why, "how far is too far?" is the wrong question. Plus, John and the Smalley's shar…
Oct. 29, 2024

"Should I Give This Person My Heart?"

In the dating phase, what are good qualities to look for in a spouse? John asks the Smalley's about ways they encouraged their kids to search for a godly spouse. Also, Jim Daly asks social media influencers, Tovares and Safa…
Oct. 24, 2024

Don’t Let Porn Destroy Your Marriage

With the internet, smartphones and constant media, our culture is saturated with pornography. Erin Smalley explains how she's seen an increase in porn struggles in her counseling clients. Also, Mark and Rosie Makinney share …
Oct. 22, 2024

Porn: It’s More Dangerous Than You Think

Many people, even within the church, are struggling with pornography. How do you get free from it? Jim Daly speaks with Mark Makinney, who struggled with pornography for years, on why it's so dangerous and addictive. Also, J…
Oct. 17, 2024

Seeing Your Kids Get Married

Seeing your kids get married is one of the most emotional journeys. John talks with Greg and Erin about what those experiences have been like for them, and things they learned in the process. Plus, Ted Cunningham describes t…
Oct. 15, 2024

Tips for Avoiding a Marital Drift

How do you avoid growing apart when life is so busy? Erin and John bring up how praying together can help a couple's relationship. Then, Jim Daly and Pastor Ted Cunningham share about the significance of prayer and how husba…
Oct. 10, 2024

Phileo and Eros Types of Love

Friendship and physical intimacy both play a role in creating a rich marriage. Jim Daly and Dr. David Gudgel share how you can cultivate both things in your marriage. Then, you'll hear John and the Smalley's offer encouragem…
Oct. 8, 2024

Learn to Understand Your Wife

For husbands, learning to understand your wife doesn't happen by accident. It takes intentionality. Erin talks about something Greg does that helps her feel understood. Plus, Jim Daly and Dr. David Gudgel give the men some g…
Oct. 3, 2024

Ways to Evaluate a Potential Spouse

When someone wants to get married, what are some qualities to look for in a potential mate? Greg and John address why having a perfectionist mindset isn't helpful in trying to find a spouse. Then, Jim Daly meets with social …
Oct. 1, 2024

Maturing Together as a Team

Teamwork is essential for the success of your marriage. Tovares and Safa Grey speak with Jim Daly about healthy mindsets to help you and your spouse be a strong team. Also, Greg and Erin talk to John about why there is joy i…
Sept. 26, 2024

A Balance of Light-Hearted and Serious

Healthy marriages need serious conversations, but also laughter and fun too. Greg shares with John about how he and Erin have learned to have fun together, even with a very demanding schedule. Plus, Ron and Jan Welch talk wi…
Sept. 24, 2024

Make Time for One Another

When life is crowded with kids, activities, and errands to run, it's easy to make your marriage less of a priority. Jim Daly joins Dr. Ron Welch and his wife Jan to encourage you to keep your marriage a priority, even when l…
Sept. 19, 2024

Make Laughter a Goal for Your Marriage

Laughing together is one of the simplest yet most effective ways to enjoy your marriage. John asks the Smalley's how laughter has played a part in making their relationship better. You'll then hear from Jim Daly and Ted Cunn…
Sept. 17, 2024

“My Spouse Isn’t Changing! What Should I Do?”

Fixating solely on things you want your spouse to change isn't good for your marriage. Jim Daly speaks with Toni Nieuwhof about the dangers of focusing too much on your spouse's problems. Plus, John and Erin share how owning…
Sept. 12, 2024

Sacrificial Love and Emotional Connection

The word tells you to focus on loving yourself, but God calls us to sacrifice for one another. Dr. David Gudgel and Jim Daly talk about two types of love that can bless your marriage - unconditional (agape) and friendship (p…
Sept. 10, 2024

Biblical vs. Worldly Definitions of Love

How would you define the word "love?" The Bible has a lot to say about it, and how to sacrifice for your spouse. Jim Daly and Dr. David Gudgel explain the biblical definitions of love, and how they can positively impact your…
Sept. 5, 2024

We All Bring Some Baggage

Every person who's been married for a while will tell you there are moments your spouse does something you didn't expect. Tovares and Safa Grey share how they've learned that relationships are more complicated than we antici…
Sept. 3, 2024

What Defines Your Relationship?

Dating methods have changed, but the principles that make for a great marriage still stand. Erin Smalley discusses how dating is different since she and Greg were in the dating scene. Then, Jim Daly talks with social media i…
Aug. 29, 2024

What is Real Repentance in Marriage?

Repentance is sometimes the key you need to take your marriage to the next level. Greg Smalley defines what true repentance is. Then, Jim Daly talks with Dr. Ron Welch about a time he realized he needed to change the way he …
Aug. 27, 2024

Commitment and Becoming Better

There will come a moment where the commitment you've made to each other will be tested. Dr. Ron Welch and his wife Jan discuss how they've gotten stronger, even through some very challenging moments. You'll also hear Erin Sm…
Aug. 22, 2024

Forgiveness and Justice for a Struggling Marriage

How do you forgive your mate, when it seems like your marriage is filled with hurt? Jim Daly speaks with Toni and Carey Nieuwhof, who faced many difficulties in their relationship, about forgiveness and restoration. Plus, Jo…