
March 26, 2020

Embracing the Unique Aspects of Male and Female, Part 4

Even the strongest man can feel insecure in trying to love his wife. But by replacing fear with the truth of God's Word, husbands can excel in their role. Greg and John share how they've learned to deal with fear. Receive th…
March 24, 2020

Embracing the Unique Aspects of Male and Female, Part 3

As a husband, you play a special role in loving your wife. Your marriage can thrive when you choose to love her in a God-honoring way. Greg and John describe how they've learned to show love to their wives. Receive the book…
March 19, 2020

Enjoying Physical Intimacy as a Woman, Part 6

A healthy marriage is built on the foundation of open communication. The same is true for your sex life. John and Greg give some ideas for how to talk about sex with your spouse, even when it feels awkward. Receive the book …
March 17, 2020

Enjoying Physical Intimacy as a Woman, Part 5

Making time for romance and sexual intimacy are great gifts for your marriage. While it's not always convenient during busy seasons, we should not neglect them. Greg and John explain why sex is important and beneficial for y…
March 12, 2020

Grasping the Power of Forgiveness, Part 2

You might fear being open up with your spouse about past regrets. But, honesty can be the door that opens your marriage up to greater intimacy. Greg and John offer helpful ideas for discussing your past mistakes in a healthy…
March 10, 2020

Grasping the Power of Forgiveness, Part 1

Choosing forgiveness instead of resentment can bring healing to your marriage. It's not easy, but through God's grace, you can do it. John and Greg explain how walking in forgiveness can strengthen the relationship with your…
March 5, 2020

Discovering God's Freedom from Pornography, Part 2

Pornography might not seem like a big deal. But if you don't deal with it, it will lead to some devastating consequences in your marriage. John and Greg give some helpful ideas for confessing a pornography problem to your sp…
March 3, 2020

Discovering God's Freedom from Pornography, Part 1

Watching pornography is like letting a disease take over your marriage. But through God's grace, your relationship with your spouse can be restored. John and Greg offer hope to those struggling with pornography. Receive the …
Feb. 27, 2020

Embracing the Unique Aspects of Male and Female, Part 2

Embracing the unique ways God made you and your spouse can lead to a more fulfilling marriage. Men and women are made to reflect God's heart in similar yet different ways. John, Erin and Greg discuss why a wife should look t…
Feb. 25, 2020

Embracing the Unique Aspects of Male and Female, Part 1

You and your spouse are so different. It's part of what attracted you to each other. But those differences can also be irritating. Greg, Erin and John share how they've learned to love their spouse, even with their distincti…
Feb. 13, 2020

Restoring Your Marriage After Infidelity, Part 8

Infidelity can deal a crushing blow to your marriage. It devastates the trust you once had. But through God's grace, an affair doesn't have to be the end of your marriage. Greg, Erin and John offer hope to couples who've bee…
Feb. 11, 2020

Thriving in the Midst of Financial Ruin, Part 3

Financial stress is something many couples face. But no matter how hopeless it seems, practicing good habits can help your marriage overcome financial problems. Greg, Erin and John give some tips for how you and your spouse …
Feb. 6, 2020

Valuing Marriage in a Culture that Doesn’t, Part 4

It's not easy to make a blended family work, but with God's help, you can overcome any challenge. Greg, Erin and John share some inspiring ways they've seen God restore blended families. Get the DVD "Blended: The Unspoken Tr…
Feb. 4, 2020

Valuing Marriage in a Culture that Doesn’t, Part 3

How a couple disciplines their children is important for the overall health of their marriage. It can especially be tricky when you're in a blended family. Greg, Erin and John give some tips for how you and your spouse can w…
Jan. 30, 2020

Saving Your Marriage from Divorce, Part 8

All of us have been hurt by divorce in some way. Whether it was your own or a friend, the pain can leave lasting damage. Greg, Erin and John offer encouragement to those who have been divorced. Receive Dr. David Clarke's boo…
Jan. 28, 2020

Saving Your Marriage from Divorce, Part 7

Betrayal and abandonment are two of the biggest reasons many marriages fall apart. If your marriage, or someone you know is facing such a struggle today, you can find healing. Greg, Erin and John give thoughts on choosing fo…
Jan. 23, 2020

Enjoying Physical Intimacy as a Woman, Part 2

In a culture saturated with fake sexuality, it's critical for you to guard your passions, by choosing to honor your spouse or future spouse. John, Greg and Erin offer thoughts on how dating and engaged couples can guard thei…
Jan. 21, 2020

Enjoying Physical Intimacy as a Woman, Part 1

God created sex as a special gift for you and your spouse to enjoy. But experiencing healthy sexual connection requires a selfless attitude. John, Greg and Erin give some advice for how you can let go of selfishness when it …
Jan. 16, 2020

Thriving in the Midst of Financial Ruin, Part 2

Overcoming financial obstacles starts with changing your habits. The sooner you adjust your habits, the sooner you and your spouse can achieve financial stability. John, Greg and Erin give some advice for how young couples c…
Jan. 14, 2020

Thriving in the Midst of Financial Ruin, Part 1

Financial problems don't have to end your marriage. With focused effort, you and your spouse can thrive financially. John, Greg and Erin offer hope to couples with financial problems. Receive Erin Odom's book More Than Just …
Jan. 9, 2020

Valuing Marriage in a Culture that Doesn’t, Part 2

We all carry some kind of baggage from our past. Because of this, many are wondering, "Is marriage worth it?" Greg, Erin and John discuss how to be honest with your spouse about past mistakes in a healthy way. Receive the DV…
Jan. 7, 2020

Valuing Marriage in a Culture that Doesn’t, Part 1

Seeing your parents or friends get divorced can leave painful scars. But, with God's help, your marriage can set a new paradigm for your family. Greg, Erin and John talk about how to address divorce, when it's part of your f…
Jan. 2, 2020

Restoring Your Marriage After Infidelity, Part 7

Discovering your spouse has been unfaithful is crushing. If you or someone you know is in that place, we are here to help. Greg, Erin and John discuss ways to prevent an affair by setting healthy boundaries. Receive the book…
Dec. 31, 2019

Restoring Your Marriage After Infidelity, Part 6

Discovering your spouse has been unfaithful is crushing. If you or someone you know is in that place, we are here to help. Greg, Erin and John discuss ways to prevent an affair by setting healthy boundaries. Receive the book…