Many married couples, as they gain experience, tend to experience a slow drifting apart. John, Erin and Greg address how drifting can occur, and ways you can rekindle your love. Plus, Jim Daly talked with Jason and Tori Benh…
What does a healthy view of submission in marriage look like? Greg and John discuss that topic, and Erin offers encouragement to wives who have a difficult time seeing submission as good thing. Plus, Jim Daly spoke with Dr. …
Reaching the empty nest years will create a lot of changes for your marriage, Greg addresses how couples can feel distant in the empty nest years, and John and Erin offer hope to couples who feel far apart. Plus, Jim Daly sp…
Many spouses today feel as if there's a wall of resentment between each other. If you're in that situation, John, Erin and Greg will share about maintaining a sense of hope. Also, Jim Daly spoke with Sarah and Jeff Walton ab…
What do you do when you're facing a crisis in your marriage and it feels like you're drifting apart? John and the Smalley's offer encouragement to struggling couples, and Jim Daly talks with Jeff and Sarah Walton about how t…
How do you find a common purpose in your marriage, even if you work completely different jobs? John and the Smalley's answer that question, and Jim Daly speaks with Howard and Danielle Taylor on how couples can find a purpos…
Unrealistic expectations are common for young couples, but they're also a set up for disappointment. John, Greg and Erin share about common expectations couples have entering marriage, and how to practice selflessness in the…
Our choices today will impact our marriage tomorrow. That's especially true with how we respond to temptation. John, Greg and Erin discuss how to respond when you're tempted to believe lies about your spouse. Featuring Mr. J…
How do you feel about conflict? John and the Smalley's share how they feel about it, and also describe ways conflict can actually make your marriage stronger. Featuring Mr. Jason and Mrs. Tori Benham. Find us online at focus…
One of the best gifts a husband can give his wife is to understand what she needs. John talks with Erin about how much it means when a wife feels valued and protected by her husband. Featuring Dr. Juli Slattery. Find us onli…
An encouraging wife is something every husband longs for. Yet, what do you do when your husband is getting on your nerves a lot? John, Greg and Erin share about the power of encouragement and how to correct your husband with…
The New Testament reminds us to count it all joy when we face difficulties. Greg and Erin share with John about difficult times they've walked through in marriage, and provide some ideas for how to be patient with your mate …
When you and your spouse are facing a crisis, it can either make your marriage stronger or create further challenges in your relationship. John talks with Greg and Erin about showing grace to your mate during a tough time, a…
Sex is an exclusive gift meant for you and your spouse. But what do you do when physical intimacy becomes more of a challenge than a pleasure? John, Erin and Greg discuss common sexual struggles and how couples can be honest…
After you and your spouse have kids, it's easy to let things like physical intimacy become less of a priority. John, Erin and Greg address how many couples struggle with making time for romance and intimacy, and why sex is a…
Little irritations can creep in your marriage if you're not careful. Those small annoyances might also be something the enemy wants to use to divide you and your spouse. John, Greg and Erin discuss how they've learned to see…
Praying for your mate is one of the best practices you can develop with your spouse. But what do you do when prayer feels awkward? John and the Smalley's share things husbands and wives can specifically pray for, and overcom…
Every husband longs to feel respected. Yet, how can wives practically show respect? John, Greg and Erin discuss insecurities men feel and how giving respect to your husband can improve your marriage. Featuring Dr. Juli Slat…
Unmet expectations in marriage are where disappointments can start to creep in. John, Erin and Greg bring up common expectations couples have going into marriage, and how working through disappointment can lead to a stronger…
When it comes to how people define "intimacy," it's fairly common for husbands and wives to have different definitions. John and Erin discuss how men and women define "intimacy," and Greg provides some encouragement to coupl…
When your marriage goes through a trying season, it can either make your relationship better or harder. How you respond to difficulties is what matters. John, Greg and Erin offer hope to couples who are in the middle of a to…
Every marriage faces heartbreak at some point. If you or a couple you're friends with is in a challenging season, John, Greg and Erin will share how your marriage can get stronger, even through the tough times. Featuring Mr.…
When your schedule is packed, it's easy to put prayer on the backburner. To help you in your marriage, John, Greg and Erin share what reminds them to pray for their mate, and offer hope to those who are struggling to make pr…