Sometimes you must act as a parent more than a friend. John and Danny describe situations when you should practice tough love. Featuring Ginger Hubbard. Find us online at . Or, call 1-80…
Many children experience a deepening of their faith in middle school. John and Danny take a crack at tough faith questions your kids may ask. Featuring Jonathan Catherman, Reed Catherman, and Cole Catherman. Find us online a…
Is your middle-schooler pushing you away? John and Danny demystify the emotions behind your child's behavior. Featuring Jonathan Catherman, Reed Catherman, and Cole Catherman. Find us online at…
If you assign your kids household chores, they may not thank you now -- but they will certainly be grateful down the road. John and Danny discuss the benefits of chores and describe age-appropriate tasks for kids. Featuring …
You don't need to be a theologian to teach your kids about God. John and Danny share how to explain the gospel to younger children. Featuring Courtney DeFeo. Find us online at or call 1-…
The world tells your kids they must conform in order to fit in. John and Danny discuss believers' true identity as seen in scripture. Featuring Ray Vander Laan. Find us online at or call…
As your children prepare to leave high school, they'll face big life decisions, such as where to go to college or where to work. They might be asking, "What is God's will for my life?" John and Danny discuss how to help your…
If you feel like you correct the same behavior in your kids over and over, don't give up! Your teaching will sink in if you persevere. John and Danny offer advice for teaching kids to be thankful and respectful. Featuring Gi…
Kids are like sponges. As young as preschool, they can start to absorb Biblical truth. John and Danny discuss how to encourage your kids' faith according to their unique temperaments. Featuring Ginger Hubbard. Find us online…
If you're like many parents, you have to fight the urge to lecture your teen. You know it won't help, but it can feel so satisfying. John and Danny discuss the influence parents gain by taking the time to connect with their …
Sometimes the hardest people to forgive are those closest to you. John and Danny discuss how Christian parents can show grace when their teen has wronged them. Featuring Dr. Ken Wilgus. Find us online at…
Your kids will make some mistakes as they grow older and gain more independence. John and Danny discuss how to pick your battles and affirm your kids' positive behavior. Featuring Courtney DeFeo. Find us online at focusonthe…
Sibling conflict happens in every family. The question is, how should you respond? John and Danny consider how to deal with sibling rivalry. Featuring Courtney DeFeo. Find us online at o…
Dads don't have to be perfect to positively influence their kids. John and Danny discuss how men can embrace their role in the family. Featuring Joe Battaglia and Joe Pellegrino. Find us online at…
There are many fatherless boys who would benefit from a godly man's guidance and stability. John and Danny discuss how men can make a difference in kids' lives through mentoring. Receive the book Fathers Say with your gift o…
It can be difficult to teach young kids to slow down and acknowledge their sinful behavior. John and Danny offer helpful questions to ask to reach your child's heart. Receive the book I Can't Believe You Just Said That with …
Have you ever been shocked by your child's mean words? The most loving thing you can do is correct their behavior and guide them on a better path. John and Danny discuss traits of effective and loving discipline. Receive the…
You won't always see eye to eye with your teenager, but you can break the cycle of unproductive conflict. John and Danny discuss how to respond when your teen pushes your buttons. Receive the book Feeding the Mouth that Bite…
In our culture, the teen years are often treated as an extension of childhood. John and Danny discuss practical steps to prepare your teen for adulthood. Receive the book Feeding the Mouth that Bites You with your gift of an…
Patience is one of the hardest parenting traits to master. John and Danny offer advice to parents of strong-willed children. Receive the book In This House, We Will Giggle with your gift of any amount!
John and Danny discuss how to involve younger children in serving the church and community. Receive the book In This House, We Will Giggle with your gift of any amount!
Young people need examples of godly living. John and Danny discuss why fathers are so important in the home. Receive the book Fathers Say with your gift of any amount!
It's frustrating to feel like you're competing with electronic devices for your child's full attention. John and Danny discuss how fathers can take an active role in teaching their children. Receive the book Fathers Say with…
John and Danny discuss how to have faith-informed conversations with your teenager about suicide. Receive the book Understanding Your Teen with your gift of any amount!