
Jan. 25, 2024

Forgiving the Parent Who Left

You may have come from a family where a parent walked out on you. Dr. Roland Warren will share from his own journey about how learning to forgive his absent father brought healing. Plus, Danny and John address why it's impor…
Jan. 23, 2024

When Single Parents Struggle to Move Forward

Many of us know at least one single mother in our community. Danny and John share about the need single moms have for supportive friends. Also, Jim Daly and Dr. Roland Warren describe some of the things they each faced while…
Jan. 18, 2024

The Difference Physical Touch Can Make

If you're familiar with the 5 Love Languages, you've heard about physical touch. Counselor Randy Schroeder and Jim Daly share about some ways physical touch can have a positive influence on your kids. Plus, John and Danny wi…
Jan. 16, 2024

The 4 A’s Your Kid Needs

When your child faces a challenge, how can you be a source of encouragement? Dr. Randy Schroeder talks with Jim Daly about 4 A's parents need to be an encouraging voice to their kids. You'll also hear Danny talk with John ab…
Jan. 11, 2024

When Your Daughter is Boy Crazy

Many girls go through what's typically coined as a "boy crazy" stage. How do you help her work through that season? John and Danny address how this is common for girls. You'll also hear Jim Daly and Dannah Gresh talk about p…
Jan. 9, 2024

A Lie Your Daughter Faces About Her Friendships

If you have a daughter, you know she craves for connection with friends. But what can you do if she starts getting rejected by her peers? Jim Daly and Dannah Gresh provide encouragement to parents whose daughters feel lonely…
Jan. 4, 2024

Let Go of Perfection and Control

No matter how hard you try, you can't be the perfect parent. Jim Daly and Ashley Willis bring up why it's good to let go of perfectionism. Also, Danny and John address what to do when your kid makes a bad decision that you d…
Jan. 2, 2024

Practicing Healthy Self-Talk as a Parent

Many parents struggle with negative self-talk. We'll encourage you to replace the self-deprecating comments with focusing on what you are doing well. Ashley Willis talks with Jim Daly about how she's wrestled with this very …
Dec. 28, 2023

Grieving the Dad Who Left

If you know someone who is raising kids as a single mom, she likely has a very moving story. Dr. Roland Warren talks with Jim Daly about some of the challenges his mother, who was a single mom, faced in her life. Then, John …
Dec. 26, 2023

A Safe Place for Single Moms

There's a growing number of kids who are growing up without a father in the home. John and Danny share statistics that illustrate the need to reach out to single moms in your community. You'll also hear Jim Daly talk to Dr. …
Dec. 21, 2023

Getting Kids to Earn Your Respect

It's a wonderful thing for kids to show you honor, but how can it become a normal part of your parenting? John and Danny will remind you why true honor isn't achieved by being harsh. Plus, Jim Daly and Dr. Randy Schroeder br…
Dec. 19, 2023

Strong Moral Character & Determination

What character traits are essential for your kids to have? Jim Daly and Dr. Randy Schroeder explain why godly character and determination are things your child needs for success in life. Also, John Fuller and Dr. Danny Huert…
Dec. 14, 2023

Dealing with Loneliness & Cyberbullying

The internet is a wonderful tool, but if your child isn't careful, he or she could encounter online bullying. Jim Daly and Dannah Gresh address some of the dangers kids are facing today with the internet. You'll also hear Jo…
Dec. 12, 2023

The Biggest Lie About God

What if your child is making bad choices because he or she believes lies about God's character? Jim Daly speaks to Dannah Gresh about a lie girls are tempted to believe regarding the Lord. Plus, Danny and John address lies t…
Dec. 7, 2023

Ending Comparison Before It Hurts You

By clicking on an app, you can see a snapshot of how other parents are raising their kids. But we must remember that social media doesn't show us the full picture. Danny and John share ways that social media has influenced p…
Dec. 5, 2023

Letting Go of Control & Unrealistic Expectations

It's easy to find your identity in your children's performance, but it's also very unhealthy. Ashley Willis talks with Jim Daly about how she's struggled with that as a mom. Also, Danny chats with John on ways he's learned t…
Nov. 30, 2023

Reasons to Celebrate as a Parent

How can you find ways to celebrate things as a parent? Jim Daly talks with Courtney Ellis about ways she's learned to celebrate spiritual progress in her kids. Plus, Danny and John share how to enjoy seeing your kids mature …
Nov. 28, 2023

Time with God, Throughout the Day

When your kids are little, is making consistent time for God even possible? Danny talks with John about what that season of parenting was like for him. Plus, Jim Daly speaks to Courtney Ellis about how she had to make adjust…
Nov. 23, 2023

Be a Good Influence, Not a Controller

What are your biggest hopes for your kids? Dr. Randy Schroeder and Jim Daly discuss three essential things every child needs. Also, Danny and John share why some of Dr. Schroeder's parenting essentials matter as you're raisi…
Nov. 21, 2023

Staying Silent When You Want to Scream

When your young adult child makes a decision that you strongly disagree with, should you speak up or remain silent? John and Danny give some pointers on whether or not to speak up in that situation. You'll also hear Jim Daly…
Nov. 16, 2023

When Your Daughter Faces Loneliness

If you have a daughter, you know that she craves connection. Jim Daly and author Dannah Gresh address why God designed girls for relationships. Plus, Danny and John share about ways a dad can be involved in his daughter's so…
Nov. 14, 2023

Perfectly Imperfect Parents

You want so much to do the right thing, but if we're honest, parenting is filled with mistakes. Jim Daly and Dr. Kathy Koch will encourage you to keep going, even after you've made a mistake as a parent. Also, John and Danny…
Nov. 9, 2023

Mommy Martyrdom Syndrome

When you're running from one thing to the next, it can be easy to get burned out as a parent. Danny and John share how many parents say they are exhausted, and Jim Daly talks with Ashley Willis about something called Mommy M…
Nov. 7, 2023

When You and Your Kid Freak Out

Sometimes, you try things as a parent that don't go as you'd planned. Danny shares with John about a time that happened in his parenting, and Ashley Willis talks with Jim Daly about some lessons she learned after a kayaking …