As a parent, you long for peace and joy. But how do you find them when life feels chaotic? Ashley Willis talks with Jim Daly about lessons we can learn from Jesus on what real peace looks like. You'll also hear John and Danny...
Have you ever seen your child in pain to the point you started asking God, "why?" Danny and John discuss how they've seen parents wrestle with the the "why God," questions. Also, Jim Daly chats with Julie Hornok about how she...
What's your most embarrassing moment? John and Danny share some of their embarrassing stories, and also how God's peace is a sustaining force when parenting feels crazy. Plus, Jim Daly speaks with Courtney Ellis on what she l...
When you're caught in the next thing parenting requires of you, it can be difficult to make time to pray. Courtney Ellis talks with Jim Daly about how she made time to pray when doing laundry for her little kids. Then, you'll...
One of the most challenging things for a Christian parent is seeing a child make poor choices. If you or someone you're close to is in that situation, Danny and John will give some ideas for how to pray for a rebellious child...
It's common for some kids to struggle with cleaning. But how important is it for their overall maturity? Jim Daly chats with Brenda Garrison about how one of her daughters struggled with being a messy child. You'll also hear ...
What did you dream your child would become when he or she was little? John and Danny discuss some of the aspirations their kids had growing up. Plus, Jim Daly and Dr. Kathy Koch share about showing your child unconditional lo...
How do you respond when your child messes up? Danny tells John about how he responded to a time he was disappointed in one of his kids. You'll also hear Dr. Kathy Koch and Jim Daly discuss healthy ways to affirm your kids whe...
When difficult circumstances come up, you can choose to respond well or not. Julie Hornok shares with Jim Daly about how she learned to respond well after her daughter's autism diagnosis. Also, John and Danny share how a pare...
How do you stay hopeful when the dreams you had for your child don't happen? John and Danny address why it's good to grieve over your disappointed expectations. Plus, Jim Daly talks to Julie Hornok about how how she processed...
How can you teach your kids to recognize God in the ordinary moments of life? Courtney Ellis talks with Jim Daly about ways she's teaching her kids to do just that. Plus, John Fuller and Danny Huerta discuss how to be more en...
Living in fear about your kids is not a healthy way to parent. To help you face your fears with confidence, John and Danny share why it's good to not be over-protective with your kids. Also, Focus President Jim Daly talks wit...
If you have adult children, you know how raising mature kids isn't a one-size fits all formula. John and Danny will encourage you to not rely too much on formulas for raising kids. You'll also hear Jim Daly talk to Brenda Gar...
It's emotional when your son or daughter leaves home, and you become an empty nester. John and Danny share where they are in that journey; and Gary Thomas and Jim Daly will offer you a few tips for preparing for the empty nes...
When your child makes a mistake, you may be tempted to shield them from the consequences. John and Danny explain why that's not a good strategy for your parenting. Plus, Jim Daily will talk to Dr. Kathy Koch about an amazing ...
Staying optimistic as a parent takes being intentional. John and Danny tell you whether they tend to be more of an optimist or a pessimist. Jim Daly and Dr. Kathy Koch discuss how to be real with your kids when they need to g...
Even though raising a child who has special needs is hard, there can be plenty of fun moments too. John Fuller talks with Danny about how funny memories can be made, even when your kid does something embarrassing. Also, Jim D...
Raising a child with special needs affects everyone close to that son or daughter. John Fuller shares with Danny about his own journey of raising a son with autism. You'll also hear Jim Daly chat with Julie Hornok about some ...
In church, we tend to say, "serve your kids like Christ would." But what exactly does that look like? Jim Daly chats with Courtney Ellis on how she's learned to love her kids in a more God-honoring way, even when it's difficu...
In a world so consumed by screens, it can be easy to overlook playing with your kids. John and Danny bring up how much time people are spending on their phones, and Jim Daly talks with Courtney Ellis about how she's learned t...
Regardless of your personality, it's good to have fun with you kids. Gary Thomas talks with Jim Daly about a time he learned to be grateful for the present moment as a father. Plus, John Fuller and Danny Huerta discuss how se...
When things don't go as planned, it can be easy to get upset as a mom or dad. Jim Daly and Gary Thomas talk about good and bad ways to handle your frustrations as a parent. John Fuller and Dr. Danny Huerta will also remind us...
A big key to helping your kids succeed in life is teaching them to stop making excuses. Jim Daly speaks with Dr. Kathy Koch about four types of excuses kids can make. You'll also hear John and Danny share how you can practica...
One of the best ways to teach your kids resiliency is to model it yourself. John and Danny share about a parent they admire for this quality. Plus, Jim Daly and Dr. Kathy Koch address why your innermost beliefs impact your ab...