
Aug. 10, 2023

Serving Your Kids Like Jesus

In church, we tend to say, "serve your kids like Christ would." But what exactly does that look like? Jim Daly chats with Courtney Ellis on how she's learned to love her kids in a more God-honoring way, even when it's diffic…
Aug. 8, 2023

Modeling Good Tech & Bedtime Habits

In a world so consumed by screens, it can be easy to overlook playing with your kids. John and Danny bring up how much time people are spending on their phones, and Jim Daly talks with Courtney Ellis about how she's learned …
Aug. 3, 2023

Don't Be So Serious!

Regardless of your personality, it's good to have fun with you kids. Gary Thomas talks with Jim Daly about a time he learned to be grateful for the present moment as a father. Plus, John Fuller and Danny Huerta discuss how s…
Aug. 1, 2023

When You Are Inconvenienced

When things don't go as planned, it can be easy to get upset as a mom or dad. Jim Daly and Gary Thomas talk about good and bad ways to handle your frustrations as a parent. John Fuller and Dr. Danny Huerta will also remind u…
July 27, 2023

Four Explanatory Styles

A big key to helping your kids succeed in life is teaching them to stop making excuses. Jim Daly speaks with Dr. Kathy Koch about four types of excuses kids can make. You'll also hear John and Danny share how you can practic…
July 25, 2023

Being a Model for Resiliency

One of the best ways to teach your kids resiliency is to model it yourself. John and Danny share about a parent they admire for this quality. Plus, Jim Daly and Dr. Kathy Koch address why your innermost beliefs impact your a…
July 20, 2023

Encouragement for Parents Raising a Child with Autism

Raising a child with special needs is not easy. If you or someone you know is in that situation, John and Danny will offer some encouragement. Plus, Jim Daly and Julie Hornok speak about her experience of raising a daughter …
July 18, 2023

Lessons from Doubting Thomas

Characters in the Bible are revered for their faithfulness, and yet, many of them had serious flaws too. The key for your parenting is in learning from their examples. John and Danny discuss their favorite Bible characters. …
July 13, 2023

Internal Battles Moms and Dads Deal With

Parenting is a demanding job, and it's easy to feel exhausted sometimes. Danny tells John aobut some of the emotions he struggled with as a father. You'll also hear Jim Daly speak with Courtney Ellis about some of the things…
July 11, 2023

Healthy Expectations for the Toddler Years

The demands of raising toddlers are unlike any other season of parenting. Danny and John discuss what it was likely for them to raise young toddlers. Plus, Jim Daly speaks with Courtney Ellis about some of the ups and downs …
July 6, 2023

When a Frustrating Moment Becomes Fun

Have you ever had a really frustrating moment as a parent that later became a fun memory? John and Danny share some examples from their own parenting journeys. You'll also hear from Jim Daly who speaks with Gary Thomas about…
July 4, 2023

What If I’ve Messed Up?

Many empty nest parents are battling feelings of regret over missed opportunities with their kids. One of the best ways to solve that is to make the most of every moment. John and Danny discuss how to enjoy the present times…
June 29, 2023

Traits of Resilience

It's inspiring to see someone who doesn't give up, even when things get tough. As a parent, you want to instill that kind of toughness in your son or daughter. John and Danny talk about encouraging your kids to not give up; …
June 27, 2023

Don't Be Overly Protective

Being overly protective of your kids is very dangerous for their overall well-being. John and Danny share how they've seen this play out with parents, and ways to encourage your kids to be resilient. Jim Daly also talks to D…
June 22, 2023

Showing Hospitality as a Parent

Showing hospitality can be one of the best ways to give back to kids in your community. Lisa-Jo Baker shares with Jim and Jean Daly about how she invited company over when her kids got older. Plus, John and Danny address why…
June 20, 2023

Keeping Friendships with Other Parents

Friendships are one of the richest parts of life. But how do you maintain them amidst the demands of parenting? Lisa-Jo Baker speaks with Jim and Jean Daly about some of her best friends, plus John and Danny share a few prac…
June 13, 2023

Praying for Your Child's Decisions

It's rewarding as a parent when your son or daughter makes a good choice. While we cannot control our children's decisions, John and Danny explain how praying for them can make a significant difference. Also, Focus President…
June 13, 2023

Tips for Managing the Junior High Years

Navigating the junior high years can be one of the most complex times of parenting. To help alleviate your concerns, Jim Daly talks with Becky Harling about some of the challenges she overcame during this stage of raising ki…
June 8, 2023

Showing Curiosity in Your Child's Interests

Has one of your kids ever been interested in something you didn't enjoy? Jim Daly speaks with Gary Thomas about learning to appreciate things our kids like. Plus, John and Danny discuss why it's good to sacrifice some of our…
June 6, 2023

When You Feel Guilt as a Parent

Trying to be the perfect mom or dad is a sure way to set yourself up for disappointment. Jim Daly and Gary Thomas talk about letting go of perfectionism. Also, John and Danny discuss how apologizing when you get something wr…
June 1, 2023

What if My Kids Become Like Me?

It's a convicting question to ask, "What if my kids become like me?" John and Danny share how their kids have sometimes tried to imitate them, and Jim Daly and Dr. Gary Chapman discuss how to ask God to help us change for th…
May 30, 2023

How Love and Service Are Connected

Giving your teen an opportunity to serve can help him or her grow as a person. John and Danny discuss why it's important for teens to practice helping other people, and Jim Daly talks with Dr. Gary Chapman about a time he ta…
May 25, 2023

Heroes Your Kids Can Admire

As your kids are growing up, it's good to introduce them to real-life heroes. Jim Daly talks with Lisa-Jo Baker about who some of her heroes are, and John and Danny discuss some places you can take your kids to meet admirabl…
May 23, 2023

Parenting Isn't Like the Movies

Movies can be fun, but raising kids in real life isn't the same as the films portray. John and Danny share how to stop comparing your parenting with movies, and Jim Daly speaks with Lisa-Jo Baker about how she's wrestled wit…