This weekend, we revisit our recent Daily Broadcast "“How to Build Resilience in Your Child." Dr. Kathy Koch explores the importance of resilience in our lives and how we can nurture that trait in our children. As a parent, …
This weekend, we revisit our recent Daily Broadcast "Staying Close to God as a Busy Mom." Courtney Ellis knows the struggle of finding time to connect with God in the midst of motherhood duties like diapers, dishes, laundry …
This weekend, we revisit our recent Daily Broadcast "Establishing Healthy Boundaries with Your In-Laws." Well-known psychologists and authors, Dr. John Townsend and Dr. Henry Cloud share broadcast advice on how to relate wit…
This weekend, we revisit our recent Daily Broadcast "Being There For Your Son." Steve Farrar encourages men to invest time and energy into the lives of their sons, in spite of the fact that our culture emphasizes the importa…
This weekend, we revisit our recent Daily Broadcast "The Proof You Need to Believe in Jesus Christ." In this interview, J. Warner Wallace discusses his faith journey and his fascinating detective research proving the claims …
This weekend, we revisit our recent Daily Broadcasts "Developing Your Child’s Unique Personality" and "Understanding How Birth Order Impacts Your Marriage." On Part 1 of this weekend's program, Julie Lyles Carr offers insigh…
This weekend, we revisit our recent Daily Broadcast "Staying Connected to God: A 60-Day Challenge." John Burke reminds us that God is the source of life and of our contentment and joy. He gives us a clear picture of what it …
This weekend, we revisit our recent Daily Broadcast "Embracing the Various Seasons of Marriage." Author Gary Chapman explains how couples go through four seasons of marriage – spring, summer, fall and winter and how couples …
This weekend, we revisit our recent Daily Broadcast "Discovering God’s Plan for Your Parenting ." Author Gary Thomas explains how parenting can lead to spiritual transformation. Receive Gary Thomas' book Sacred Parenting for…
This weekend, we revisit our recent Daily Broadcast "Encouraging Your Husband to Be a Hero." Dr. Juli Slattery describes a wife’s power to help her husband became the hero God has called him to be. She explores the core need…
This weekend, we revisit our recent Daily Broadcasts “Breaking Free from Unhealthy Eating Habits” and “Controlling Your Tongue." On Part 1 of this weekend's program, Amber Lia examines internal and external food triggers—thi…
This weekend, we revisit our recent Daily Broadcast “Rediscovering Faith in a Culture of Chaos." Dr. Os Guinness shares deep insights into the current chaos in the United States in what is a cultural revolution. He inspires …
This weekend, we revisit our recent Daily Broadcast “Saying the Right Thing When Your Child Misbehaves." Amber Lia and Wendy Speake offer parents practical suggestions for responding with patience and wisdom to their childre…
This weekend, we revisit our recent Daily Broadcast “Discovering Your Love Style." Milan and Kay Yerkovich offer helpful insights on learning how you show love to others, particularly your spouse, and explain what steps you …
This weekend, we revisit our recent Daily Broadcast “Thriving as a Wife and Mom in the Middle Years." Lisa-Jo describes how she helps her kids find the right kind of heroes into today’s culture, urging them to focus more on …
This weekend, we revisit our recent Daily Broadcast Encouraging Your Husband to Be a Hero." Dr. Juli Slattery describes a wife’s power to help her husband became the hero God has called him to be. Receive Juli's book Finding…
This weekend, we revisit our recent Daily Broadcasts “A Patient is a Person, No Matter How Small" and "The Power of Gracious Words." On Part 1 of this weekend's program, Dr. Lile outlines the medical aspects of the pro-life …
This weekend, we revisit our recent Daily Broadcasts “Building a Solid Christian Worldview” and “Helping Engaged Couples Become More We-Focused." On Part 1 of this weekend's program, Greg Koukl helps listeners discover, deve…
This weekend, we revisit our recent Daily Broadcast “Nurturing Your Child's Personality." Hettie Brittz outlines the four main personality types of children and how parents can better nurture, communicate with, and disciplin…
This weekend, we revisit our recent Daily Broadcasts “Focusing on Your Family's Mental Health” and “Abandoning Idols to Cling to God." On Part 1 of this weekend's program, Debra Fileta answers some general questions on menta…
This weekend, we revisit our recent Daily Broadcast "Surviving Divorce and Single Parenthood." Susan Birdseye shares her dramatic story of learning about her husband’s affair after 17 years of an apparently happy marriage. S…
This weekend, we revisit our recent Daily Broadcast "Understanding the Hot Buttons in Your Marriage." and "Helping Kids Navigate Worry in Healthy Ways." On Part 1 of this weekend's program, Dr. Bob Paul and his wife Jenni ex…
This weekend, we revisit our recent Daily Broadcast "Recognizing Your Son’s Need for Respect." Best-selling author Emerson Eggerichs talks to moms about a boy's need for respect, and explains how they can give that respect t…
This weekend, we revisit our recent Daily Broadcast "Embracing God’s Truth in a Hostile Culture." Rod Dreher describes how you can teach your children to honor God, find fellowship and solidarity with other believers, and ev…