Fun Books and Serious Books: Episode 847 Reading both fun and thought-provoking books, plus Jordan Raynor answers career questions, and should you fall into a relationship or pursue one? Featured musical artist: Jonathan Cain...
Your willingness to change, plus Jordan Raynor on why your job’s important, and when a ministry leader is dating a non-Christian. Featured musical artist: Love and the Outcome Roundtable: What Do You Need to Change? One of th...
The influence of music, plus more from Jeanine Amapola on healthy perspectives, and Lisa Anderson shares life-altering moments in her walk with God. Featured musical artist: Austin Stone Worship Roundtable: The Power and Infl...
How long should my quiet time be? Plus Jeanine Amapola on healthy perspectives, and when someone ill withholds the news from family and friends. Featured musical artist: Abandon Roundtable: Am I Spending Enough Time With God?...
Unique ways to enjoy spring, plus trusting God with your vocational dreams, and why should we pray if God’s plan will happen anyway? Featured musical artist: Hollyn Roundtable: Spring is Here! What’s your favorite part about ...
How to maximize your weekends, plus Nancy Pearcey talks toxic masculinity, and should you tell a guy at church you want him to ask you out? Featured musical artist: Kerrie Roberts Roundtable: Ready for the Weekend! We all loo...
Know if the person you’re dating is maturing or not, plus overcoming body image issues, and favorite foods of the Boundless team. Featured musical artist: David Dunn Roundtable: Prioritizing Growth in Dating Maturing together...
What your style aesthetic says about you, plus finding value in entertainment, and how to be a better listener. Featured musical artist: Nathan Tasker Roundtable: Trendsetters and Old Souls Fashion choices, home decor, life h...
Identifying sneaky (and often accepted) idols, plus how to stay away from online scammers, and understanding the basics of holistic health. Featured musical artist: Aaron Shust Roundtable: Tearing Down Our Most Common Idols W...
Finding fun and inspiration in other women, plus Bailey Hurley on what to look for in a friend, and when you’re frustrated with where life has you. Featured musical artist: All Sons & Daughters Roundtable: Finding Quality Fem...
Finding fun and inspiration in other men, plus Scott Kedersha on doing devotions as a dating couple, and how guys can serve single moms. Featured musical artist: Love and the Outcome Roundtable: Finding Quality Male Friends G...
Help your married friends set you up, plus how to read the news with discernment, and thoughts on dating couples doing devotions together. Featured musical artist: JJ Heller Roundtable: Your Role in Being Set Up It’s flatteri...
Improve your listening skills, plus breaking negative family patterns, and why should Christians dress modestly? Featured musical artist: About a Mile Roundtable: Improve Your Listening Skills Listening is a lost art. It’s al...
Fun ideas for boosting your intelligence, plus Alisa Childers tackles more sneaky cultural lies, and is dating multiple people at once OK? Featured musical artist: John Waller Roundtable: Boost Your Intelligence You don’t nee...
Staying inspired even when it’s tough, plus Alisa Childers tackles sneaky cultural lies, and should you move to a new state for a fresh start? Featured musical artist: Tauren Wells Roundtable: How Can I Stay Motivated? We’re ...
Finding activities in colder months, plus Mark Bates outlines the essentials of Christianity, and is playing lots of video games a sin? Featured musical artist: Zach Williams Roundtable: Don’t Wish Winter Away Now that the ho...
Bringing optimism into 2024, plus Kait and JJ Tomlin answer your questions, and what if your church lacks a ministry to singles? Boundless Guides to Marrying Well Featured musical artist: Covenant Worship Roundtable: A Health...
Reasons to go on a missions trip, plus Kait and JJ Tomlin from the “Heart of Dating” podcast, and how can you measure spiritual maturity? Featured musical artist: Hollyn Roundtable: Why Go on a Missions Trip? Churches and org...
A 2023 goals report card, plus firsthand help for addiction recovery (part two), and can you study the Bible without it getting repetitive? Featured musical artist: Phil Wickham Roundtable: What Happened to Our 2023 Resolutio...
Pastors’ tips for finding a great small group, plus firsthand help for addiction recovery, and should a guy give a girl a gift on the first date? Featured musical artist: Je’kob Roundtable: How to Choose a Small Group We talk...
Killer Christmas party ideas, plus Mark Ballenger on prioritizing God while dating, and a question about same-sex attraction and celibacy. Featured musical artist: Darlene Zschech Roundtable: Christmas Party Planning It’s tha...
How singles can connect with kids, plus more with Michael Johnson on dating must-dos, and how to deal with friends who’ve gotten married. Featured musical artist: Jeremy Rosado Roundtable: Is Being Good with Kids Required for...
Favorite Thanksgiving traditions, plus Michael Johnson on dating must-dos, and what if you strongly disagree with your siblings’ choices? Featured musical artist: Daniel Bashta Roundtable: Our Thanksgiving Traditions Thanksgi...
When going deep with others is difficult, plus handling rough family dynamics during the holidays, and bitterness over being left out. Featured musical artist: Kerrie Roberts Roundtable: When a Relationship Feels Shallow Some...