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Running to The Boundless Show
This postcast is my favorite thing to run to. I look like a fool laughing out loud as I run down the road. I love the hosts obvious affection for one another while still having different views. I recommend this podcast!

They said we had to write a good review so here goes
They said they were desperate for good reviews on itunes so here goes. I have always loved focus on the family and I am so glad they have devoted a show to being single. I have always felt that the Christian community has ignored singles and just assumed we would always join the marrried Sunday School class some day. I am sick and tired of listening to marriage sermons that everyone says " I can put it away for the future." My life is now and I'm single. I love the topics on boundless and the great advice they give. I do wish they had a few more people on their show who are actually still single in their 30's and 40's and struggle with single problems on a day to day basis. How does a person actually find a handyman to fix their fence for free? Would flirting be allowed if it meant you could get someone to install new wood floors? Or is wood flooring the same as being emotionally married?

Not just for 20-something single people
I'm a 36 y.o.married mother of 3 and I listen to the podcast because I want to be hip to what all you young folks are down wit. Okay, not really. Well actually sort of, but just not like that. :) Actually, I just think Lisa A is really funny and I was just trying to channel her... :) Seriously, I do listen to the show to keep up with what it's like to be 20+ish, single and Christian. Want to maximize my helpfulness to those folks in my church, and minimizes the so NOT helpfulness...

Worth your time, you'll enjoy this podcast
The Boundless Show has great advice and is both challenging and encouraging. I recently found out about the Boundless Show and have listened to it every day so far on the way to and back from work. It has been a great podcast to listen to. I enjoyed it so much that it took me only a short time to listen to every single episode and i am now waiting eagerly for the next episode.

love it!!!

Great Show!
Great insight and biblical references! I frequent the web page and just recently downloaded shows to my ipod to listen to when I can.....Blessings! I'm yet tuning in!

These podcasts are so encouraging! They take a lighthearted look at current issues for single adults, offering biblically sound advice. Thanks Boundless!

Great, funny show
The Boundless show is awesome. Lisa Anderson is hysterically funny and they use great music. The topics are wide ranging, and you can tell that the people actually live out what they are talking about. It is always very biblically based, but very real...and funny!

Fun and Encouraging!
The Boundless Show! I'm officially addicted! But I'm hooked because of the real life issues presently truthfully, candidly, and Biblically. Each week, it challenges me in either my relationships, my character, or my Christian faith. Thank you Boundless Show for offering unadulterated truth and hope to young adults!

Love it!
This is one of the only podcasts i actually make time to listen to during the week!(and the other podcast i make room in my schedule to listen to is another Focus on the Family podcast!) I love the humor that goes on in conversation, and i love how they make sure to tie it back in with the issue at hand. i have gotten great insight from this podcast, and would greatly encourage everyone else to give it a listen. Keep up the great work you guys!

Well done
I am a mom in her 40's that started listening to the podcast to be able to more effectively talk to my 20 year old daughter about current issues. I find the show entertaining and Spirit filled. The heart of the show is gentle, the banter refreshing, and the range of topics intriguing. Thanks to not only the 'round table' participants, but to the behind-the-scens folks: the engineers, the writers/editors, the pray-ers... Well done.

This show is GREAT!!
I love this podcast - Lisa, your voice is wonderful and you make me laugh every week. I am actually 40 years old (but single) and still continue to learn something each week from all of the participants on the show. Candice - you have great Godly advice each week and I am very glad to hear from a lot of wonderful Christian men on the show too. I will continue to pray for God's blessing for the show! Thank you again!!

My favorite Christian podcast
The Boundless Show is fantastic - I look forward to each new episode with the enthusiasm of a new episode of The Office or Lost. The content is interesting and relevant and applicable to my life as a Christian single. They tackle topics with honesty and faithfulness to Scripture; theirs is one of the few Christian voices of our generation that is countering the overwhelming relativism and apostasy that threatens to take over the church. But despite their earnestness and commitment to upholding the standards of the Scriptures and making disciples, they are accessible and live in the real world - and never fail to make me laugh. Lisa especially cracks me up, and she has a great radio voice and personality. Keep up the good work Boundless team, the podcast is a big addition to my life and my faith.

I love this podcast...
I love listening to the Boundless podcast. It's entertaining and fun to listen to, but in addition to having fun they discuss important, relevant topics. I am always encouraged in my walk with the Lord by Boundless. I love the Boundless website and have really enjoyed the podcast too. Keep up the good work!

Hostess Lisa Anderson single-handedly makes the show worth listening to.

A great mesh of content and humor
The Boundless team sure does deliver with the Boundless show. A very counter cultural message of taking advantage of your young adult and single years. They don't skim over hard hitting issues and give sound, but practical advice on what it means to be a Christian at that point in your life. Add a dash of appropriate humor and you have a excellent mix.

I love the boundless shows. I'm not able to listen them as often as I'd like since I'm pretty busy, but they have great advice, they're really funny, and it's good to listen to.

This is a good show. I hope you can buy groceries now ;-)

I listen to the show every week. I enjoy the topics which are relevant to singles dealing with being single. Oh, and I'm from the South, and I wasn't offended. As for healthy eating, perhaps the South is not the place to come, but we have some mighty tasty food. Moderation, not prohibition, in all things. :)

great show dealing with life
This deals directly with everyday struggles for 20's and early 30's. Hits on topics of dating, marriage, entertainment and more.

Boundless changed my life!
I started reading Boundless webzine about 4 years ago, when I was a sophomore in college. The articles all rubbed me the wrong way, but then I realized they were backed up by Scripture. It opened my eyes to see that many of my views and opinions lined up more closely with the culture than with the Bible. The podcast was a welcome addition to the Boundless repertoire. I've enjoyed their Biblical approach to the issues, while at the same time adding humor and making it fun to listen to. Shout out to Lisa Anderson, who makes my co-workers think I'm crazy due to all the stifled laughter emitting from my cubicle whenever I listen to the Boundless Show!! : )

Great program!
The Boundless Show is a great podcast. I look forward to the new episodes! The topics and advice are practical, interesting, and helpful for life today as a young adult.

A strait forward talk in a God honoring way!
The Boundless Show is an excellent resource for people as they encounter the many different stages of life. Im a 28 year old single male and until marriage comes along, I find this podcast helpful to remain focused on God and the daily tasks that are in the present. Thank you for sharing truth in a God honoring forum and in a realistic, strait forward manner. Lisa, I think your voice is just dandy.

Well done!
Witty, relevant, and Christ-centered. I look forward to listening to this podcast. Thank you for this much-needed, important ministry!

Great podcast
This podcast is great. The themes are always relevant and encouraging. The hosts are funny and clever, and I really enjoying listening every week.

Anticipating every week!
I'm updating my review just because I wanted to give a shout-out to them for being funny! I laugh out loud when I hear them being goofy and making fun of each other in a clean and good way. YEA for Boundless!!! As a 29 yr old young professional, the Boundless show is just what I need to help support me during this season of my life. I check my podcasts several times a week anticipating the next one--I wish they spoke every day! Their conversations are casual banter that move into deeep and relevant topics. You can tell that they have a lot of fun while recording the show. Thank you Boundless for not only your great website and articles (check them out online!) but now a great show. I carve time into my day for podcasts that encourge me in my walk with God.

This is great
I really love listening to this show, the only problem I have is that sometimes I can't listen to the whole segment at once and it doesn't let me fast forward... I don't know if that's just an iTunes thing, but last time, when I stopped listening and came back to it, the show started where I stopped. Maybe I did something wrong, but anyway, the show is great. Thanks for all of the great insights you guys give!

This podcast is one of a kind and a must. I look forward to listening to the boundless podcast each week. It is my little weekend treat. The podcast is diverse, Biblically sound, and an encouraging listen. "Way to Go" Lisa and the Team.

Great Podcast
This is one of my favorite Christian podcasts. Their conservatism may turn off some, even in the Christian community, but most people who would want to listen to this anyway won't have a problem with it. The host, Lisa, is a lot of fun, Steve and Candace are extremely wise, if a lot more toned down. They (usually) have some great music that plays between the segments. All of the issues discussed are very relevant to their target audience, particularly college age and 20-something Christian singles.

So Good!
This podcast is something that I look forward to every week! Not only do I find it informative, but it's also very refreshing. They have fun, but they get to the heart of the matter as well, and that is something I appreciate deeply. In short: I love it!