Sharing your faith can be scary. But the Bible tells us in 1 Peter 3:15 to: ‚ÄúAlways be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks you about the hope you have. Be ready to give the reason for it. But do it gently and with r…
It‚Äôs not good to take things for granite. After all, it‚Äôs a really hard rock and it might actually be quartz, dolostone or basalt. But seriously, we should express thankfulness to all the people who help us and give us g…
Jesse shares the ‚ÄúRule of 2‚Äôs‚Äù for math. Bob talks about volunteering with his family at a food bank and at church. All of this adds up to a podcast filled with tips about helping others and using our time for God‚Äôs …
Bob‚Äôs class just celebrated Valentine‚Äôs Day, and Bob wonders why all those candy hearts have the same saying on them‚Äî‚ÄúNo way!‚Äù (There should be other sayings too, right?!?) Relationships and friendships can be hard…
God‚Äôs armor can protect and keep us safe‚Äîeven if someone happens to attack with a giant turkey leg. (You‚Äôll have to hear this story to believe it.) In the end, Bob and Jesse agree that God‚Äôs shield of faith is waaay …
The Bible says to ‚Äúpray constantly,‚Äù but Bob keeps running into things when he prays and walks with his eyes closed. Jesse shares an acrostic to help guide P-R-A-Yers. Then something amazing happens. Jesse tells a funny …
Bob shares that he‚Äôs really good at shouting out comments during school assemblies. Sometimes the speakers ask for comments . . . but sometimes he shouts things even when don‚Äôt ask. Getting laughs is great, but it‚Äôs ev…
Bob remembers some historic family vacations and tells how he took his parents to the zoo to show his appreciation for everything they do for him. (Plus, he really wanted to go to the zoo.) Bob admits to not always liking hi…
It‚Äôs a fruit of the Spirit, and we all need it. In this randomly rhyming podcast, Bob and Jesse explore how showing self-control can help in controlling anger. Bob also unveils his amazing chess-playing abilities. Spoiler …
Bob sets a goal to try something new every month. But what should he do? Brush his teeth every day? Learn new words? Live out his faith in more obvious ways? Bob and Jesse come up with a plan . . . then they ask podcast list…
Season Two of the ‚ÄúOfficial Average Boy‚Äù podcast starts off with a slam-dunk! Bob helps Jesse forgive a basketball player who keeps bashing into him on the court. Then Bob shares a cross-country canine encounter that put…
Free doughnuts are the best! So is using our gifts and talents to help others. In this podcast, Bob explains how he tries to notice the needs of people around him‚Äîneighbors, friends, people at church‚Äîand how he boldly st…
Oh brother, Average Boy talks about his brother. There's never a dull moment around his house with two wild brothers running around. After getting in trouble at church, Bob gives some great tips for getting along with siblin…
Bob and Jesse talk about the most important decision anyone will ever make ‚Äì believing in Jesus Christ as their Savior. Finding forgiveness in Christ is a lot like saving a turtle during a torrential rainstorm ‚Äì you'll h…
In this podcast, Bob (aka Average Boy) shares about his kickball skills - or lack thereof. Fortunately, because of his faith in Jesus, Bob is on the ultimate winning team. Instead of defining himself by what he does in sport…
Bob tries to start some healthy habits to take better care of his body. But there's a problem ‚Äì whenever he gets the treadmill above "5," it's hard for him to eat his jelly doughnut. This podcast also dives into juicing, g…
Have you ever gone to a store and got stuck behind a line of mannequins? That's what happens to Bob. Fortunately, his youth pastor is there to rescue him ‚Äì and a lady who's almost crushed by a mannequin. Youth pastors, par…
Being responsible takes a lot of responsibility. Average Boy (aka Bob Smiley) learns that fact when he's house-sitting for a neighbor who has some hisss-terical cats. He also finds out that house-sitting has nothing to do wi…
Popularity is overrated. Just ask Bob (aka Average Boy), whose "close friends" at school call him Mark, Timmy, or Jim. Instead of seeking lots of friends, Bob discovers it's best to have good friends who encourage him to gro…
"Every word of God is perfect." That's what it says in Proverbs 30:5. The Bible is alive and active, changing people's hearts. In this podcast, Bob and Jesse give tips about reading God‚Äôs Word ‚Ķ and why it's not acceptab…
There's more to manners than just saying "please" and "thank you." This podcast shows how having good manners shows respect and spreads God's love. Plus, Bob explains why it's not a good idea to have a friend try and throw a…
This podcast buzzes with excitement ‚Äì it's all about bees and being part of God's body. Both can be pretty sweet! Discover how you can use your gifts and talents for God. Click here to visit the Average Boy Store to gain a…
Technology is everywhere! It can totally take over your life. This podcast will help you determine if you're a Tech Addict. Bob also shares some high-flying video game insights and reveals his favorite kind of candy. Click h…
The "Official Average Boy" podcast starts off big by talking about God's great, big world. Bob and Jesse dig into the importance of recycling and protecting God's creation. Plus, you'll hear a "ribbiting" ‚Äì er ‚Ķ riveting…