Many couples will tell you that a strong friendship is one of the best aspects of marriage. But if couples are not careful, it can be easy to get caught in the business of everyday life. John, Greg and Erin talk about how th…
When a wife learns her husband is struggling with pornography, it's very heartbreaking. In that situation, where do you turn to for help? John, Erin and Greg discuss common mistakes wives make in that situation and point to …
Small compromises with pornography can lead to a serious addiction problem. When left undealt with, it will do a lot of harm to your marriage. John, Erin and Greg talk about why some men choose to look at porn, and offer hel…
There's an old saying that goes, "You don't just marry your spouse, you marry his or her family." But how do you work through a situation where a relationship with your in-laws is strained? John, Greg and Erin offer some enc…
As a husband, one of the best things to recognize is that your wife is God's daughter. John, Greg and Erin discuss how having daughters has helped them understand why this principle is important for marriage. Featuring Gary …
While no spouse can meet all of your dreams and desires, it's still important to make your expectations clear. Without sharing what you're expecting, you'll be setting yourself up for disappointment. John, Erin and Greg desc…
All of us have expectations for what we thought marriage would be like. Yet, at some point, things won't go according to plan, and how you respond will make a big difference in those situations. John, Greg and Erin discuss w…
Couples who go the distance don't just drift into a successful relationship. Truth be told, it takes consistent effort to succeed in marriage. John, Erin and Greg share how you can stay intentional in striving for a great re…
While some video games aren't necessarily bad, if they prevent you from communicating with your spouse, they can do great harm to your marriage. John, Erin and Greg provide some hope to those with a spouse who's addicted to …
Sadly, many married people today have a secret addiction to pornography. If left in the dark, it can destroy the very foundation of your relationship. John, Greg and Erin explain why pornography is so dangerous and offer hop…
When things aren't going well in your marriage, having supportive friends is one of the best blessings you can have. None of us are meant to go through life isolated and alone. John talks with Greg and Erin about how they tr…
Is it possible to love your spouse without expecting anything in return? Truth be told, we can only love that way if we're relying on God's love to fill our souls. John, Greg and Erin share how they encourage couples to appl…
Unrealistic expectations are something all of us struggle with, yet they're very damaging to a marriage. John, Greg and Erin share how they've learned to adjust their expectations in marriage. Featuring Gary Thomas. Find us…
After your marriage has gone through a hard time, it can be tempting to bring up past hurts to your spouse. The truth is, recovery is anything but an easy road. John, Greg and Erin share how you can be honest about the past …
When there's been a betrayal in a marriage, healing can take a long time. While waiting for restoration isn't easy, God is willing to send you some help. John, Greg and Erin discuss how you can be patient in your marriage, w…
If we're honest, we all struggle with selfishness in marriage. However, a good dose of gratitude can be the best solution for selfishness. John and Greg share how being thankful can greatly benefit your marriage. Featuring B…
All of us can find something annoying about our spouse. But, you can choose to show grace even when you don't feel like doing so. Greg talks with John about how he and Erin have worked through irritations in their relationsh…
You and your spouse weren't meant to do life alone. Having other couples around you is key to a healthy relationship. John and Greg discuss how their marriages have been helped by having friends and share where you can go to…
While technology is a great tool, spending too much time on a screen can distract you from quality time with your spouse. John talks with Greg, who shares about how he and his wife have had to cut back on screen time in thei…
Sadly, many married couples report feeling lonely. Sometimes, it might even take a third-party to help you reconnect. John and Greg share how counseling can help you bridge a gap of loneliness between you and your spouse. Fe…
While you and your spouse cannot trade places, showing empathy to each other can go a long way toward strengthening your relationship. John and Greg discuss how to show empathy, even when there is tension in your relationshi…
If your vehicle had a problem, sometimes, looking in the owner's manual can help you fix it. In the same way, when your marriage faces a challenge, going to Scripture can point you to a solution. John and Greg share some pra…
Even when things seem difficult in your marriage, it's never too late for God to do a miracle. John and Greg discuss how seeking the Lord can make a big difference in your relationship. Featuring Jeff Scruggs. Find us online…
Is it possible to know whether someone would be a good teammate and show you kindness even before marriage? John and Greg discuss how to show someone grace during the dating phase of a relationship, even when he or she makes…