Real change in marriage occurs when we stop fixating on everything our spouse needs to change. It takes true character to focus on what you need to work on. John and Greg discuss this important topic for couples who are dati…
What do you do when you and your spouse are constantly getting on each other's nerves? It may be that you're facing a spiritual attack. John, Erin and Greg share how they've found hope when facing spiritual warfare in their …
Small problems that aren't talked about in your marriage can turn into big issues later on, John, Greg and Erin discuss why it's important to talk things out with your spouse whenever there is tension in your relationship. F…
When you and your spouse are in a stressful season, the chances of one of you struggling with depression are much higher than normal. How do you navigate through that type of situation? John, Erin and Greg share why it's wor…
Every couple, no matter how good their marriage is, has an area in the relationship where they feel lonely. To offer a word of encouragement, John, Greg and Erin discuss how seasons of loneliness will change, and why you can…
When you first got married, you hoped it would last for a lifetime. Sadly, many couples who say their vows are choosing to get a divorce. John, Erin and Greg offer encouragement to couples who are questioning if they will ma…
While romantic music and movies can make us feel good, they sometimes paint an unrealistic picture of what marriage is really like. John, Erin and Greg discuss how to stop feeding unrealistic expectations about your marriage…
Whether he verbalizes it or not, your husband wants to feel validated. A little bit of encouragement can go a long way in your relationship. John, Erin and Greg share how wives can encourage their husbands. Featuring Bill an…
Many times, a wife just wants her husband to listen when she needs to talk. John, Greg and Erin discuss how a husband can be a good listener, even he doesn't feel like being one. Featuring Bill and Pam Farrel. Find us online…
Temptation is sometimes a very subtle thing, but not dealing with it can cause a lot of problems in your marriage. John, Erin and Greg share some ways to protect your relationship when you feel tempted in certain areas. Feat…
The fact is, spiritual warfare is part of marriage. The key to victory is in relying on God's strength and not on your own. John, Erin and Greg provide hope for couples facing spiritual warfare. Find us online at focusonthef…
When you don't feel as close to your spouse as you'd like, how do you reconnect? While some seasons are busier than others, feeling disconnected long-term is not healthy. John, Greg and Erin discuss how listening to each oth…
In marriage, it's sometimes easy to get caught up in your activities. However, focusing too much on what needs to be done can leave you feeling alone and isolated. John, Greg and Erin discuss creative ways couples can help e…
Even when your marriage hits rock bottom, God will never leave you. John, Greg and Erin provide encouragement to couples who feel like there is no hope for their relationship. Featuring David and Kirsten Samuel. Find us onli…
When your mate has suffered past abuse, it might take years or even decades for him or her to heal. The process can be very difficult and full of twists and turns. John, Greg and Erin share how to walk with your spouse, even…
When a person chooses to cheat on his or her spouse, it will have devastating consequences on the marriage. John, Greg and Erin will address this heavy topic and provide hope to those who have been betrayed by a spouse. Feat…
Sometimes, it can look like you have a good marriage on the surface. But underneath, something is harming the foundation of your relationship. In those moments, what do you do? John, Erin and Greg discuss how to find a safe …
One of the biggest adjustments young couples have to make is in prioritizing your spouse over your family of origin. Sometimes, it's not as easy as you might think. John, Erin and Greg discuss how to respond when your spouse…
Starting your marriage off well won't happen by accident. To have a thriving relationship, it's important to develop good habits early on. To help couples start well, John, Greg and Erin weigh in with some practical ideas fo…
No marriage is perfect, but as Christians, it's important for our marriages to reflect the heart of Christ. Sometimes, that will mean asking a friend for help when we need it. Greg and Erin share with John about how another …
When the winter season comes, it's important to be prepared in order to stay warm. The same is true for when your marriage goes through a chilly season. Being prepared makes a huge difference. John, Erin and Greg share how t…
Destructive addictions usually start with small compromises. The same is true with a pornography problem. John, Greg and Erin discuss some helpful first steps a married man can take if he's struggling with pornography. Featu…
When you've been hurt by your spouse, it's easy to be blind to your own sins and shortcomings. But what do you do when you find out your spouse is addicted to pornography? John, Erin and Greg address how pornography addictio…
In marriage, learning to bring up certain discussions at the right time with your spouse is very important. John, Greg and Erin share some helpful tips on when and when not to have more difficult conversations with your mat…