The Bible reminds us that God has shown us more grace than we deserve. As parents, we're given a beautiful and unique opportunity to point our kids to His kindness and love. John and Danny discuss ways you can show your kid …
We've all been guilty of wondering, "What do others think about my parenting?" While self-awareness is healthy, being obsessed with your reputation as a mom or dad is not good. John and Danny share promises from God's Word y…
Watching your son or daughter make choices on their own can be exciting, but also nerve-wracking. But what do you do when he or she is determined to do things without your input? Danny and John give some tips on when it migh…
Your child longs to be affirmed. The truth is, a little bit of encouragement can go a long way in helping your son or daughter. John talks with Danny about how he's seen encouragement make a difference in his parenting. Feat…
How do you guide a child who wants to please everyone? While wanting to be liked is a good thing, trying to make everyone happy is a dangerous path for your son or daughter to walk. John and Danny discuss how to give your ch…
When your son or daughter is young, he or she tends to look up to you. However, that usually changes when your child becomes a teenager. John and Danny share how admitting some of your own mistakes can help bridge a gap betw…
When your child is going through something difficult, you long to help. However, there are times when your efforts are not enough. In those situations, how do you respond? John and Danny provide some encouragement for when y…
We all have blind spots in our parenting. To help see them, God might send a mentor to help coach you as a mom or dad. John and Danny share about the ways a mentor can benefit your parenting. Featuring Rhonda Stoppe. Find us…
As a parent, how do you respond when your son or daughter does something that catches you off guard? John and Danny discuss the importance of giving yourself grace, even when your child does something that embarrasses you. F…
No matter how hard you try, there are still moments you miss it as a parent. But when you do, God's grace can empower you to do better next time. John and Danny share some encouragement for moving on, even after you mess up.…
When your teenager is rude to you, it can be easy to lash out. John and Danny discuss why setting boundaries is better than responding in anger to your teen. Featuring Matt and Lisa Jacobson. Find us online at focusonthefami…
As you're raising a daughter, it's very important to speak encouragement into her life. John and Danny will provide some practical ideas for helping your daughter find her true beauty. Featuring Matt and Lisa Jacobson. Find …
Healthy parenting is possible with God's help. But how do you maintain a good attitude when your child is misbehaving? John and Danny will offer some helpful thoughts for when your son or daughter acts difficult. Featuring M…
We all have baggage from our family of origin. But what do you do when you start repeating your own parents' mistakes? John and Danny provide a dose of hope to parents who are discouraged because of the family they came from…
When your son was little, he needed you all the time. But as he's gotten older, his need for independence becomes stronger. How do you make that transition well? John and Danny provide some practical ideas for training your …
Your child has special gifts and talents. A big key to being a good parent is recognizing and encouraging those abilities in your son or daughter. John and Danny discuss what it looks like to draw out the gifts in your child…
Good parenting can always be traced to a healthy relationship with your children. But what does that look like? John and Danny discuss an important key for keeping a relationship strong, even when your child is acting up. Fe…
"You need more things!" "You need to do more activities with your kids!" These are the lies our culture shouts at us. But believing them will do more harm to your family than good. John and Danny discuss how simplifying your…
When your son or daughter faces something challenging, one of the greatest blessings you can give him or her is reassurance. Danny shares with John about the different ways he's learned to encourage and connect with his son…
Sometimes, what your son or daughter needs is a hug from you. John and Danny discuss the benefits of hugging your child and offer tips for how to respond when he or she doesn't want one. Featuring Matt and Lisa Jacobson. Fin…
The family you came from has a huge influence on the ways you raise your own kids. In this profound conversation, John and Danny will encourage you to examine how your family of origin has impacted your parenting. Featuring …
When your son or daughter is young, it's common for him or her to cry a lot. But the tears are typically pointing to something deeper. John and Danny offer some helpful tips for talking to your kids about their true feelings…
Raising kids is an exhausting journey. At times, you might even think to yourself, "I can't do this!" If you feel that way today, you are not alone. John and Danny will offer ideas for staying encouraged, even when you're ex…
There are many overwhelming moments in your parenting. Even when it feels challenging, one of the best gifts you can give your child is to pray he or she will follow God. John and Danny encourage you to keep being a godly in…