The truth is, getting your children to be thankful is easier said than done. It doesn't come naturally, but it's possible. John and Danny offer some ideas for helping your kids to practice thankfulness. Find us online at foc…
One of the greatest blessings as a parent with a daughter is to pray for her. But a big question is, "How do I pray?" John and Danny offer some practical ways to pray for the girl in your home. Find us online at focusonthefa…
Seeing your child leave home is one of the biggest and sometimes hardest transitions you'll make as a parent. John and Danny willl provide some tips for making that transition well. Find us online at…
Encouraging your child is a wonderful thing, but how do you do it when you need to confront him or her? John and Danny offer some tips for responding well when your child disappoints you. Find us online at focusonthefamily.c…
How can parents keep it together when they feel so tired? Danny and John give some encouragement to exhausted moms and dads. Featuring Amber Lea and Wendy Speake. Find us online at . Or,…
As a parent it's easy to feel tired by the constant demands of raising kids. John and Danny offer some hope to exhausted parents. Featuring Amber Lea and Wendy Speake. Find us online at …
It's easy to celebrate your kid when he or she makes a good grade, but what about when he or she perseveres through something difficult? John and Danny offer some thoughts on how to encourage your children when they show res…
Instructing your kids is part of parenting, but teaching them takes time. John and Danny discuss how to have a healthy perspective when training your kids to learn life lessons. Featuring Michael Anderson and Dr. Timothy Joh…
John and Danny offer advice to parents who are afraid of missing a hidden problem in their child's life. Find us online at . Or, call 1-800-A-FAMILY. Get the book "Praying for Girls" wit…
Today, many children are overscheduled and exhausted. John and Danny describe why downtime is so important for your kids. Featuring guest Teri Lynne Underwood. Find us online at , or cal…
Grandparents can play a significant role in their grandchild's life by offering their unconditional love. John and Danny list topics for grandparents and parents to discuss to prevent misunderstandings. Find us online at foc…
It can be painful if your parents aren't involved in your kids' lives. John and Danny offer encouragement to parents who feel like their kids are missing out. Find us online at . Or, cal…
If you're parenting a strong-willed child, you know there are unique challenges that come with their bold opinions and emotions. John and Danny give an overview of principles for parenting strong-willed children. Featuring W…
John and Danny offer help for parents who are exhausted by strong-willed children. Find us online at . Or call 1-800-A-FAMILY. Get Amber Lia and Wendy Speake's book "Triggers: Exchanging…
Many unhealthy behaviors are easy to spot. But it may be harder to tell if your child is struggling with unhealthy perfectionism. John and Danny describe perfectionist tendencies in teens and offer advice for overcoming unhe…
It's typical for teenagers to experience ups and downs. But if your child continues to be withdrawn or angry, consider what's under the surface. John and Danny describe root fears that can cause teens to act out. Find us onl…
Infertility can be such a painful, isolating experience. John and Danny offer advice to couples who long for children. Find us online at . Or call 1-800-A-FAMILY. Get the book "Praying f…
Corrie ten Boom once asked, "Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?" John and Danny describe key prayers to pray for your kids. Find us online at . Or, call 1-800-A-FAMILY. Ge…
You are the best person to teach your child important truths about God's design for sexuality. John and Danny offer encouragement to parents who are anxious about having 'the talk.' Find us online at…
John and Danny offer practical advice for teaching your child a Biblical view of sexuality. Find us online at . Or, call 1-800-A-FAMILY. Get the Launch Into the Teen Years Kit with your …
It can be really difficult not to react in anger when your kids repeat frustrating behaviors. John and Danny offer a helpful perspective on whining and complaining. Find us online at . O…
John and Danny offer advice to help parents discover the root cause of their anger. Find us online at . Or, call 1-800-A-FAMILY. Get the book "Triggers" with your donation of any amount:…
Parenting is a marathon, and it's helpful to keep the end goal in mind: you're preparing your kids for adulthood. John and Danny discuss the dangers of believing your primary job is to make your child happy. Find us online a…
John and Danny discuss the importance of giving your kids both encouragement and honest feedback, and in finding a middle ground between them. Find us online at . Or, call 1-800-A-FAMILY…