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Thank You
Thanks for all you do Focus on the Family. Great podcasts and a wide range of topics that give me insight, perspective and ways to improve myself.
They cover EVERY essential topic!
Life changer
This podcast helped save my marriage. I haven’t been married long, but I was looking at my marriage with such a negative perspective. This podcast has included such simple reminders and beneficial lessons that I have been able to implement into my life. I have listened to every episode while I am at work. I can’t thank you enough!
Thank you
Thank you for your interview with Dr. Shelby Steele. As a minority and person of color, I found that discussion to be insightful and powerful.
Thank you for this interview!
Our family is colorful and it has always bothered me that people put the expectations on us that our children with darker skin should be raised as victims of the society they live in.. I hate that! My beautiful children will be raised to know God created them on purpose for a purpose just like every one of His beautiful children! I know there will always be people in this world who are unkind but that is not my kids problem! We can pray for God to work in that persons heart and move on! We must raise our kids to be over comers not victims no matter what they look like on the outside!
Agree 110%. Thank you for the interview, I always felt this way but did not know how to put it into words. The interview express’ my feelings perfectly.
So helpful
FOF podcast is one of the podcasts I look forward to listening to daily. And with this extremely progressive world we are living’s nice to get sage wisdom and advice based on real Christian and biblical principles. Thank you for being brave daily.
Love this podcast
Please keep producing more podcasts like the one of Sen. Hawley. This is so important for families to understand.
Sen. Lankford
Unfortunately Sen. Lankford is now in the minority and our country is now in control of people who want to “sit down and shut up” and don’t believe all people are the same in the eyes of God
Always helpful!
Listening to FOF has really helped me as a wife, mother, and child of God. I always learn something useful!
Such an Inspiration
I love this PodCast! Such a wonderful source of inspiration!
Love the podcast
So encouraging especially when you need something positive to hear and lift your spirits love this podcast ❤️
My weekday companion
I used to listen in the car on the way to work. Glad they have a podcast which I can access anytime. I learn so much and grow as a person and become closer to God through this program.
Love it!
I’m so glad to have discovered the app. Now I can listen to Focus anytime!!
Weary of Waiting
It’s great to have Jean Daly join the program. I just wish Jim would not keep interrupting her or many others on the program.
LOVE this podcast!
I'm listening this almost every day, but I can't completely agree about COVID vaccine... We need to be more careful.
Yes, definitely recommended!
I love listening to these podcasts. They are so inspiring. And so many AMAZING and TRUTHFUL stories, that bring me to tears. Also, these stories teach you lessons that will IMPACT your life and LEAD YOU TOWARDS GOD!
An encouraging boost
I discovered this app recently and what an encouragement it has been. I wake up many mornings and I’m so tired but I turn this on as I get ready for my day and it just makes me feel like there’s hope. Who doesn’t need more hope?! I am so thankful for the blessing of this podcast and this ministry. It’s been a God send.
a man called Norman
thanks for teaching us to love like Christ
Relationships 101
I love listening to Focus on the Family! I’ve learned so much that I can apply to all of my relationships. It is encouraging to my faith and I am thankful for all that you do!
Awesome way to start my day!
I love starting my day with the FOTF podcasts every morning! I listen while doing my Bible study and journaling my prayers. Always so insightful and filled with practical advice from people who do not come across as “holier than thou”, but as real, flawed people just like you and me!
This is a great God based show on many challenging topics.
Many in your family will enjoy these shows. Plan on regularly listening. But the podcasts today do not have to turn up the speed of talking so fast the human brain can’t focus. Please think about your listeners.
Excellent Relevant Content
Loving and leading your family doesn’t come without challenges. Focus on the Family provides resources and encouragement to do it better.
Great shows
We are listening with the Apple podcast. Great topics to help with everyday items such as home, spouse, kids, etc
Can’t get enough
Inspirational, hopeful, and everlasting
Wonderful how they’re not afraid to support our President despite everyone else despising him.
Good clean content that continues to help motivate and support issues that are so important to the family, marriage, financial issues, pro-life issues and more! Thanks for giving us the chance to hear something other than doom and gloom and can actually help make things better!
Encouraging for all walks of life
I have been listening with my family on the radio since childhood and have continued to tune in as an adult. These podcasts have helped shape who I am. Thank you!
My daily bread
I have been listening for years, these wise words and faith based authors have helped me with marriage, parenting and so many other relationship. So thankful for this podcast.
Your broadcast are inspiring and motivating in many ways to lead me back to getting into God’s word so thanks for that.