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So helpful
I have been listening to this broadcast for years. It’s so encouraging and helpful for marriage and family and personally. Encourages and guides and inspires. Grounded in Gods word.

Great Podcast
Absolutely would recommend this podcast to anyone in youth ministry. A lot of great content and ideas.

Encouraging episode
The episode from Monday, September 2 was especially encouraging and convicting. It’s a great reminder to me to be more bold with my faith in Jesus.

Daily reminders of who we are!
I wake up everyday excited to see and hear the words of wisdom and love from these great people who take the messages straight from the Bible, as we all should be seeking the truth of God’s word , in all of life’s issues! Thank you for being a light in our daily lives. 🙏

Excellent podcast
This podcast has been instrumental in helping me become a better husband, father and man of God. I really appreciate Smalleys and how honest they are with the audience about the struggles of parenting and marriage.

Marital Conflict
Leslie Vernick has been gifted by God to share her insight into marital conflict. Hard to hear but often the truth hurts. Thank you for sharing the information and insight. Working on our marriage daily.

But why...?
I just listened to an amazing podcast by Cynthia Tobias. But can we please stop recommending teachings by women to only woman and adolescents or children when it is equally relevant to men? It conveys that Focus believes women are not worthy to have their voices heard by men. Jesus revolutionized the perception of women in his time. Why can’t we in the church acknowledge that? I love to hear the poignant teachings of a man but a woman’s message can carry the same impact.

This refreshed my soul!

Great Podcast
My day is always better after listening. I am a more equipped Christian because of this podcast!

Life altering
I listen to focus on the family podcast every night when I lay down. It’s so wonderful to hear and brings my husband and I so many tools for our marriage & children. Behind thankful for FOF! 💕

Such a great podcast and so helpful to me as I raise children and desire to have a healthy marriage.

Focus on the Family Broadcast
There is always an application to my life, or the life of a family member,or friend

Always life changing
Great programs and always uplifting and life changing

Love it!
I look forward to listening daily to the podcast. I can’t tell you how many times I have listened to EXACTLY what I needed to hear that day. I also refer and share many episodes that have helped many friends. I love Focus on the Family!

Fills in gaps
I go to church regularly, read my Bible, and fellowship at a Mops (mother’s of preschoolers) ministry. Focus on the family has filled in the gaps and ministered to me in so many areas. Parenting, marriage, self care, controversial issues, and current events! It’s all there. Thank you Focus.

Best Podcast for Families
Focus on the Family has such amazing episodes focused on growing closer to Christ that is relatable to everyone!

10/10 recommend, a great listen!!

Ten years a listener, lifetimes impacted
How we bless God for Focus! Your ministry has made a world of difference in our marriage, our parenting (to 4 kiddos), our faith walk and our commitment to life. Thank you for being faithful —episode after episode ... Psalm 20:4-5

I love your podcast. Thank you for taking the time daily to discuss important topics we Christians need to hear. Keep it up!!

Always Helpful and often Needed!
My family started listening to the Focus broadcast on radio in NYC on the way to school in 2011. As we went through some very turbulent time in the years to come God seemed to give all of us a daily shot of just what we needed. Now we have moved and don’t have the radio broadcast but the podcast keeps us encouraged and challenged to live out our faith before others and to thrive in our walk with Christ.

Over the years
Focus on the Family has been an integral part of my spiritual and emotional growth in raising our children for the Lord. I started listening in 1981 when our first child was born, and I am still listening for my continued growth in my marriage, in my relating to our grown children, and in my wonderful role as a grandmother. What matters more than passing on the love of Jesus to the next generation? I will be eternally grateful for this ministry!

Wonderful Christian based podcast
This podcast has helped me be a better mom and wife. If you like to read, numerous self help type books are recommended in the podcasts.

Changed our family
This Focus on the Family podcast has taught me how to communicate better with my husband, appreciate our differences and stop the bickering. It helped me look to God and changed MY heart. I am a better parent and wife and we truly enjoy our family life now thanks to so many messages I have heard here. Thank you Focus on the Family!

Great podcast
Keep up the good work!

Daily advice
Thanks for the great advice I might not agree with everything everyone says but I’m finding helpful hints from this podcast.

Sound, godly advice!
FOTF, just wanna say a HUGE thank you for being a constant. I grew up on Adventures in Odyssey (my husband purchased the subscription to the club for me so I still get to listen - best gift ever!!!) and now the podcast is sincerely life changing! I’m never surprised when I open the podcast and broadcast is totally relevant for my life in the moment. My husband and I just had our first baby and he is struggling with laryngomalacia and is struggling to breathe and I still go back to the podcast about praising God in suffering. Thank you for investing in family!! May the Lord bless you!!!

6/14/18 broadcast comment
I just finished listening to the 6/14/18 broadcast. This broadcast was very different and unique on race relations in the US. I know racists who claim to be Christians, i.e. my uncle, who taught me what an ugly belief system he had adopted and still holds. I most appreciated the true reflection of Christ that the guests portrayed in their point of view. The best part was the recommendation to repent. Thanks.

Men of God
I love to hear there insights and guest speakers always can learn something and grow more in the faith when I listen!

Thanks so much for your incredible words, experience and advice!
I have discovered this podcast just recently , last month April 2018. It helped me so much to get through some things in my marriage, I’m working on it and it helps me to see the other side and a new perspective! ThAnks so much

Kim Phuket Pham Thi testimony
So inspiring! All America should hear this powerful testimony of her walk with Christ! Wonderful interview with John Fuller.