The pros and cons of owning a pet, plus establishing better habits in your life, and is it wrong to attend a gay wedding? Featured musical artist: Nathan Tasker Roundtable: Should I Get a Pet? If you’ve ever wondered whether ...
How to be kind to those you disagree with, plus safeguarding your emotional health, and when the desire to marry isn’t strong. Featured musical artist: Aaron Shust Roundtable: Disagreement Without Division Whether on social m...
Tips for saving money on your next vacation, plus navigating the seasons of dating, and when your dream job feels out of reach. Featured musical artist: All Sons & Daughters Roundtable: Saving Money on Vacation Now that COVID...
A special tribute to our fans on episode 700, plus more about intentional friendships and dating, and why won’t guys ask girls out? Featured musical artist: Love and the Outcome Roundtable: It’s Our 700th Episode After more t...
Marriage expectations versus reality, plus intentional friendships and dating, and should she take back her ex after getting dumped? Featured musical artist: JJ Heller Roundtable: Marriage Expectations Meet Reality It’s easy ...
Struggling with inferiority, plus the value of being a Christian “nobody,” and his girlfriend’s past eating disorder still bothers him. Featured musical artist: About a Mile Roundtable: Think You Don’t Measure Up? Another eng...
Healthy conversations with homosexual friends, plus responding to rejection in dating, and when your crush works at your church. Featured musical artist: John Waller Roundtable: Grace-Filled Conversations With LGBT Friends Ba...
Responding appropriately to requests for prayer, plus how our culture’s sex narrative came to be, and does location hurt her dating chances? Featured musical artist: Tauren Wells Roundtable: Responding to a Prayer Request Som...
Finding family as a single, plus pastors discuss how to respond when a Christian leader falls, and overcoming different backgrounds in dating. Featured musical artist: Zach Williams Roundtable: Finding Family as a Single Sing...
The importance of attraction in dating, plus pastors discuss how to respond when a Christian leader falls, and navigating post-college regrets. Featured musical artist: Ecclesia Roundtable: The Importance of Attraction How at...
Landing a great job, plus more from Greg and Michael Smalley on guys and relationships, and should your parents be involved in your love life? Featured musical artist: Covenant Worship Roundtable: Finding Your Dream Job One o...
Getting real about the dangers of pornography, plus Greg and Michael Smalley on guys and relationships, and advice for relating to your parents. Featured musical artist: Hollyn Roundtable: When Pornography Controls You (Part ...
Getting real about the dangers of pornography, plus Joe Rigney on winning the war against lust, and spouse-hunting in a different culture. Featured musical artist: Lara Landon Roundtable: When Pornography Controls You (Part 1...
Wanting marriage vs. obsessing about it, plus Tim Ross on sharing the gospel with difficult people, and trusting God with unanswered questions. Featured musical artist: Phil Wickham Roundtable: Do You Want Marriage Too Much? ...
Guys tell all about asking girls out, plus J.D. Greear on making your life count, and should she settle for a social media pursuer? Featured musical artist: Je’kob Roundtable: How Guys Feel About Asking Girls Out Asking a gir...
Helping a friend through a hard time, plus part two with Dallas and Jerry Jenkins on dramatizing the life of Christ, and rebuilding friendships after sexual sin. Featured musical artist: Darlene Zschech Roundtable: How to Hel...
Reasons to end a dating relationship, plus Dallas and Jerry Jenkins on dramatizing the life of Christ, and how to recognize a manipulator. Featured musical artist: Jeremy Rosado Roundtable: Dating Deal-Breakers Let’s be hones...
Keeping friendships strong during the pandemic, plus more lies young adults believe, and what are essential habits to establish before marriage? Featured musical artist: Daniel Bashta Roundtable: Preserving Friendships During...
The struggle with impatience, plus lies young adults believe, and how does God speak into our dating experiences? Featured musical artist: Kerrie Roberts Roundtable: The Sin of Impatience It’s easy to judge someone who sins b...
The struggle with discontentment, plus making Bible reading a daily habit, and what’s your role in finding a spouse? Featured musical artist: David Dunn Roundtable: The Sin of Discontentment It’s easy to judge someone who sin...
The struggle with self-control, plus more real-life dating advice from Jonathan Pokluda, and a listener’s boyfriend is estranged from his family. Featured musical artist: Nathan Tasker Roundtable: The Sin of Self-Indulgence I...
A compassionate conversation on same-sex attraction, plus Jonathan Pokluda’s real-life dating advice, and distinguishing sexual desire from lust. Featured musical artist: Aaron Shust Roundtable: God’s Grace Amid Sexual Identi...